Dalagaalee Fayyadamaan qindaa'an

Dalagaalee fayyadamaan qindaa'an LibreOffice Calc keessatti karaalee armaan gadii raawwachuu dandeessa.

Dalagaa LibreOffice Basic Fayyadamuudhaan Qindeessuu

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Edit Macros.

  2. You will now see the Basic IDE.

  3. In the Object Catalog window, double-click on the module where you want to store your macro.

  4. Enter the function code. In this example, we define a VOL(a; b; c) function that calculates the volume of a rectangular solid with side lengths a, b and c:

    Function VOL(a, b, c)
        VOL = a*b*c
    End Function

Dalagaa gara galmeetti garagalchi

Sadarkaa 2 "Dalagaa LibreOffice Basic fayyadamuun qindeessuu" keessatti, qaaqa Macro keessatti Gulaali cuqaaste. Akka durtiitti, dirree Macro irraa keessatti muraan Macros koo - Durtii - Muraa1 ni filatama. GalmeeDurtii galeeloo fayyadamaa keessa jira..

Yoo dalagaa fayyadamaan qindaa'e gara galmee Calc tti garagalchuu barbaadde:

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic.

  2. Dirree Macro irraa keessatti kooMicros - Durtii - Muraa1. Gulaali cuqaasi.

  3. Basic-IDE keessatti,madda dalagaa fayyadamaan qindaa'e filadhuutii gara muraa gabateetti garagalchi.

  4. Basic-IDE cufi.

  5. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic .

  6. Dirree Macro irraa keessatti (Maqaa galmee Calc) - Durtii - Muraa1. Gulaali cuqaasi.

  7. Qabiyyeewwan gabatee muraa Basic-IDE galmee keessatti maxxansi.

Dalagaa namaan qindaa'e LibreOffice Calc keessatti raawwachuu

Once you have defined the function VOL(a; b; c) in the Basic-IDE, you can apply it the same way as the built-in functions of LibreOffice Calc.

  1. Open a Calc document and enter numbers for the function parameters a, b and c in cells A1, B1, and C1.

  2. Qaree maadhee biraa keessa kaa'iitii kan armaan gadii galchi:


  3. Dalagaan ni madaalameetu bu'aa maadhee filatame keessatti agarta.

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