Tarreewwan Fo'uu Raawwachuu

Tarreewwan fo'uu odeeffannoo maadhee keessatti barreessuu si dandeessisu, achiin tarree waantota walitti aananii guutuuf harkisi.

Fakkeenyaaf, barruu "Ama" ykn "Amajjii" maadhee duwwaa keessatti galchi. Maadhee filadhuutii xiyyoo jala mirgaa kan handaara maadhee irratti hantuutee cuqaasi. Achiin maadhee filatame maadheelee muraasa irra gara mirgaatti ykn asiin gadi harkisi. Yeroo qabduu hantuutee gad dhiistu, maadheeleen shoolaman maqaalee ji'ootaatiin guutamu.

Hold down if you do not want to fill the cells with different values.

The predefined series can be found under - LibreOffice Calc - Sort Lists. You can also create your own lists of text strings tailored to your needs, such as a list of your company's branch offices. When you use the information in these lists later (for example, as headings), just enter the first name in the list and expand the entry by dragging it with your mouse.

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