Guyyootaa fi yeroodhaan shallaguu

LibreOffice Calc keessatti,shallaggii gatiiwwan guyyaa fi yeroo ammeetiin raawwachuu dandeessa.Akka fakkeenyaatti,umurii kee sirrumaan daqiiqaadhaan yookiin sa'aatiin argachuuf,ejjatoo armaan gadii hordofi:

  1. Wardii keessatti,guyyaa dhaloota keetii man'ee A1 keessatti galchi.

  2. Formulaa armaan gadii man'ee A3 keessati galchi: =NOW()-A1

  3. Furtuu Enter tuquun booda bu'aa dhangii guyyaatiin argita. Sababa bu'aan garaagarummaa guyyoota lama jidduu akka lakkoofsa guyyaatti agarsiisuu qabuuf,man'ee A3 akka lakkoofsaatti dhangeessuu qabda.

  4. Qaree man'ee A3 keessa qubachiisi, baafata haallee banuuf mirgaan cuqaasiitiiMan'eelee dhangeessi filadhu.

  5. Qaaqni Man'eelee Dhangeessi ni mul'ata. Caancala Lakkoofsota irratti, akaakuun "Lakkoofsaa" dursee shoolamee ni mul'ata. Dhangiin "Dimshaasha" ta'ee qindaa'a, kun immoo bu'aan shallaggii galfatoota guyyaa qabate akka guyyaatti akka mul'atu sababa ta'a. Bu'aan akka lakkoofsaatti akka mul'atuuf, dhangii lakkoofsaa gara "-1,234" qindeessiitii qaaqa qabduu Tole dhaan cufi.

  6. Lakkoofsi guyyaa kan guyyaa har'aa fi guyyaa murtaa'e jidduu jiru maadhee A3 keessatti mul'atu.

  7. Yaalii foormulaawwan dabalataa muraasa wajjin:A4 keessatti sa'aatii shallaguuf =A3*24 galchi,A5 keessatti daqiiqaadhaaf =A4*60 galchi,akkasumas A6 keessatti sekondiiwwaniif =A5*60 galchi.Furtuu Enter foormulaa haggayyuu booda tuqi.

The time since your date of birth will be calculated and displayed in the various units. The values are calculated as of the exact moment when you entered the last formula and pressed the Enter key. This value is not automatically updated, although "Now" continuously changes. In the Data menu, the menu item Calculate - AutoCalculate is normally active; however, automatic calculation does not apply to the function NOW. This ensures that your computer is not solely occupied with updating the sheet.

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