Furtuu Qaxxaamura Wardiifi

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

Furtuuleen qaxxaamura tokko tokkoo sirna minjaalee keef ramadame. Furtuuleen sirna minjaaleetiif ramadaman LibreOffice tiif hin argaman. Furtuulee adda addaa LibreOffice Meeshaalee - Maamileesi - Minjaalee, ykn sirna minjaalee keessatiif ramaduuf yaali.

To fill a selected cell range with the formula that you entered on the Input line, press +Enter.

Tarreentaa man'eewwan isaa marti odeeffannoo ati Sarara naqaa irratti galchite waliin tokko tahe qaban uumuuf, Shift++Enter. Qaamota tarreentaa gulaaluu hin dandeessu.

To select multiple cells in different areas of a sheet, hold down and drag in the different areas.

Wardii keessatti wardiilee hedduu filachuuf, gadi qabiitii caancaloota maqaa isa qarree gadii iddoohojii irra cuqaasi. Filannoo keessatti wardii tokko qofa filachuuf, furtuu Shift gadi qabiitii caancala maqaa wardii cuqaasi.

Man'ee keessatti muraa sarara hujeekaa saaguuf, man'ee keessatti cuqaasiitii ittaansuun +Enter dhiibi.

To delete the contents of selected cells, press Backspace. This opens the Delete Contents dialog, where you choose which contents of the cell you want to delete. To delete the contents of selected cells without a dialog, press the Delete key.

Wardii kessa naannaiuu

Furtuu Qaxxaamura



Qaree man'ee wardii keessa gara tokkoffaatti siqsis (A1).


Qaree man'ee wardii gara man'ee qabiyyee issaa deetaa dhuummatti siqsisuu .


Qaree man'ee wardii keessa gara ammee tarree tokkoffaatti siqsis.


Moves the cursor to the last column that contains data in any row.


Selects cells from the current cell to the first cell of the current row.


Selects all cells from the current cell to the last column that contains data in any row.

Shift+Page Up

Selects cells from the current cell up to one page in the current column or extends the existing selection one page up.

Shift+Page Down

Selects cells from the current cell down to one page in the current column or extends the existing selection one page down.


Selects the current row or extends the existing selection to all respective rows.


Selects the current column or extends the existing selection to all respective columns.


Selects all cells in the sheet.

+Xiyya Bitaa

Moves the cursor leftward to the start and end of cell blocks with data. If the cell to the left of the cursor is empty or the cell with the cursor is empty, the cursor moves leftward in the current row until it reaches the next cell with contents. If all cells in the same row to the left of the cursor are empty, the cursor moves to the first cell in the row.

+Xiyya Mirgaa

Moves the cursor rightward to the start and end of cell blocks with data. If the cell to the right of the cursor is empty or the cell with the cursor is empty, the cursor moves rightward in the current row until it reaches the next cell with contents. If all cells in the same row to the right of the cursor are empty, the cursor moves to the last cell in the row.

+Xiyyaa Olii

Moves the cursor upward to the start and end of cell blocks with data. If the cell above the cursor is empty or the cell with the cursor is empty, the cursor moves upward in the current column until it reaches the next cell with contents. If all cells in the same column above the cursor are empty, the cursor moves to the first cell in the column.

+Xiyya Gadii

Moves the cursor downward to the start and end of cell blocks with data. If the cell below the cursor is empty or the cell with the cursor is empty, the cursor moves downward in the current column until it reaches the next cell with contents. If all cells in the same column below the cursor are empty, the cursor moves to the last cell in the column.


Selects all cells of the range created by the cursor movements using the +Arrows key combinations. If used to select rows and columns together, a rectangular cell range is selected. If the cursor is in an empty cell, the selection will stretch from the current cell up to the first cell with value in the direction of the arrow pressed.

+Page Up

Man'ee tokko gara bitaati siqsis.

In the print preview: Moves to the previous print page.

+Page Down

Man'ee tokko gara mirgati siqsis.

In the print preview: Moves to the next print page.


Argii tokko gara bitaati siqsis.


Argii fulaa tokko gara mirgati siqsis.

Shift++Page Up

Wardii durra wardi ammee filattameeti Ida'i. Yoo wardiin hundii filattamee, Makaan furtuu qaxxaamura kun wardii durra duwwa filla.Wardii durra wardi ammee godha.

Shift++Page Down

Wardii ittaanee jiru wardii amma filatamanitti ida'a. Yoo wardiileen marti filataman, makaan furtuu qaxxaamuraa kun wardii ittaanu qofa fila. Wardii ittaanu wardii ammaa godha.


kun (*) mallattoo baay'isuu furtuu lakkofsaa irraati

Hammanga deetaa qareen qabbatee jiru filii. Hammangan kun man'ee walliin garee hammanga deetaa qabbatee jiruufi tarree fi tarjaa duwwan marffammee jiirudha .


kun (/) mallattoo hiruu furtuu lakkofsaa irraati

Tarreentaa hangii Foormulaa qaree qabbatee jiru filii.

+furtuu Ida'uu

Man'ee saagi (as in menu Insert - Cells)

+furtuu Hir'isuu

Man'ee haqi (as in menu Edit - Delete Cells)

Galchi (in a selected range)

Moves the cursor down one cell in a selected range. To specify the direction that the cursor moves, choose - LibreOffice Calc - General and change the option in Press Enter to move selection.

Enter (after copying cell contents)

If cell contents have just been copied to the clipboard and no additional editing has been done in the current file, then pressing Enter will paste clipboard contents to the current cursor position.


If the clipboard contains cell contents and no editing has been done in the file, then Shift+Enter has the same behavior as Enter and pastes clipboard contents to the current cursor position.

If no cells are selected, Shift+Enter moves the cursor to the opposite direction defined in the option Press Enter to move selection found in - LibreOffice Calc - General.

If a range of cells is selected, Shift+Enter moves the cursor inside the current selection to the opposite direction defined in the option Press Enter to move selection.

+1 (jiifata lakkoofsaarra hin jiru)

Gatii gutuummaa man'een kessaa jiru irra foormulaa mul'su ykn dhoksu.


The ` key is located next to the "1" key on most English keyboards. If your keyboard does not show this key, you can assign another key: Choose Tools - Customize, click the Keyboard tab. Select the "View" category and the "Show Formulas" function.

Copying and Renaming Sheets

The sheet tabs used to navigate between sheets can be clicked in combination with keyboard keys to perform the following operations:

Shortcut Keys


+ Drag sheet tab

Creates a copy of the sheet whose tab was clicked. The copied sheet is placed at the position where the mouse button was released.

+ Click sheet tab

Makes the sheet name editable. Edit the sheet name and press Enter when finished.

Furtuu dalaga wardii keessatti fayyadameete

Furtuu Qaxxaamura



Yaadannoo man'ee ammaatti miilteessamee mul'isa


With a cell selected, press F2 to open cell contents for editing. If the cell contains a formula, use arrow keys to navigate the sheet to easily enter range addresses into the formula.

Press F2 again to enable the use of arrow keys to move the cursor in the formula text.

Each additional use of the F2 shortcut switches between the two states previously described.

Some dialog boxes have input fields with a Shrink button. Pressing F2 with the cursor inside such field causes the Shrink command to be executed.


Masaka Fankishinii bani.


Qaree garra kannati siqsisuun Naqaa Sarara Foormulaa man'ee ammeeti galchuu ni dandeessa.


Bani Maqaa qindeessi qaaqa.


Kuusaa deetaa aloolaa mul'suu ykn dhokisu.


Irkoo haqaa ykn Irkoo waliin qiqindeessuu (for example, A1, $A$1, $A1, A$1) Naqaa dirree kessa.


Mul'suu ykn dhokiisu Naanna'insa.


Ceesisa hirkataa.


Ceesisa durran durssu.


Moves the cursor from the Input line to the Name Box. You can also use Shift++T.


Man'ee ammee kessaa ti qubeeffannoo mirkanessuu.


Yoo man'een ammee barruu qabbatee jiiratee waa dhugoomsuu bani.


Haalata filannoo dabalataa bana/dhaamsa. Haalata kana keessatti, filannoo bal'isuuf furtuulee xiyyaa fayyadamuu dandeessa. Filannoo bal'isuuf man'ee biroo keessa cuqaasuus ni dandeessa.


Man'ee gatii qabbatee jiru shoola.


Wardii ammaa keessatti foormulaawwan jijjiiraman lamuu herreega.


Foormulaa man'een hundaa keessa jiru lamuu herreegi.


Taatto issa filattamee haaromsi.

Opens the Styles window where you can apply a formatting style to the contents of the cell or to the current sheet.


Galmee qajeelcha hojii uumi.


Qajeelcha hojii haaromsi.


Hangii deetaaa filattamee hundaa gurmeesi.


Hangii deetaaa filattamee hundaa garbaasi.

+Shift+Furtuu Xiyyaa

Increases the height of current row (only in OpenOffice.org legacy compatibility mode).


Decreases the height of current row (only in OpenOffice.org legacy compatibility mode).

+Shift+Furtuu Xiyyaa

Yabbina tarjaa ammee dheeressuu.

+Shift+Furtuu Xiyyaa

Yabbina tarjaa ammee gabbabsuu.

+Shift+Furtuu Xiyyaa

Yabbina tarjaa ykn hojjaa tarree man'ee ammee irrati hundauun guutolu.

Furtuu qaxxaamuran man'ee dhanguu.

Dahngiin man'ee kana gaddii itti jiru kan hoojjetu gabatee cuqoo ni:

Furtuu Qaxxaamura


+1 (jiifata lakkoofsaarra hin jiru)

Dhangii Qaqaa Man'ee banii

+Shift+1 (jiifata lakkoofsaarra hin jiru)

Two decimal places, thousands separator

+Shift+2 (jiifata lakkoofsaarra hin jiru)

Dhangeessuu durtii exponentaialii

+Shift+3 (jiifata lakkoofsaarra hin jiru)

Dhangii durtii guyyaa

+Shift+4 (jiifata lakkoofsaarra hin jiru)

Dhangii durtii mahaallaqa

+Shift+5 (jiifata lakkoofsaarra hin jiru)

Dhangii durtii dhibbeentaa (two decimal places)

+Shift+6 (jiifata lakkoofsaarra hin jiru)

Dhangii durtii

Yaalii Fayyadamma deetaa

The shortcut keys below are for the Pivot Table Layout dialog.




Xiyyeeffanno garra fuuldurati siqisii iddoo naannoo keessaa fi qaaqa qabduu ti jijjiiri.


Xiyyeeffanno garra duubatti siqisii iddoo naannoo keessaa fi qaaqa qabduu ti jijjiiri.

Up Arrow

Xiyyeeffanno garra olii wantoota tokko ti iddoo qaaqa ammee ti siqiisi.

Down Arrow

Xiyyeeffanno garra gadi wantoota tokko ti iddoo qaaqa ammee ti siqiisi.

Left Arrow

Xiyyeeffanno garra bitaa wantoota tokko iddoo qaaqa ammee ti siqiisi.

Right Arrow

Xiyyeeffanno garra mirga wantoota tokko iddoo qaaqa ammee ti siqiisi.


Wantaa issaa durraa qaaqa ammee kessaa jiruu fili.


Wantaa issaa Dhuummaa qaaqa ammee kessaa jiruu fili.

and the underlined character in the label "Row Fields"

Copies or moves the current field into the "Row Fields" area.

and the underlined character in the label "Column Fields"

Copies or moves the current field into the "Column Fields" area.

and the underlined character in the label "Data Fields"

Copies or moves the current field into the "Data Fields" area.

and the underlined character in the label "Filters"

Copies or moves the current field into the "Filters" area.

+Up Arrow

Dirree ammee garra olii man'ee tokko ti siqsisi.

+Down Arrow

Dirree ammee garra gadi man'ee tokko ti siqsisi.

+Left Arrow

Dirree ammee garra bitaa man'ee tokoo ti siqsisi.

+Right Arrow

Dirree ammee garra mirga man'ee tokoo ti siqsisi.


Dirre ammee garra man'ee issaa duurraa ti siqsisi.


Dirre ammee garra man'ee issaa xumura ti siqsisi.


Dirree ammaa bal'ina irraa haqa.

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