
Deetaa hangiiwwan man'ee qofagaloo tokko ykn tokkoo oli makuun, fankishinii ifteessitetti fayyadamuun hammangaa haaraa shallaga.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Data - Consolidate.


fankishinii deetaa gamteessuu barbaaddee fili.

Hammanga gamtoominaa

Hangii man'ee gamteessuu barbaaddee agarsiisa.

Hammanga deetaa maddaa

Specifies the cell range that you want to consolidate with the cell ranges listed in the Consolidation ranges box. Select a cell range in a sheet, and then click Add. You can also select the name of a predefined cell from the Source data range list.

Shrink / Expand

Click the Shrink icon to reduce the dialog to the size of the input field. It is then easier to mark the required reference in the sheet. The icons then automatically convert to the Expand icon. Click it to restore the dialog to its original size.

Yeroo hantuuteedhaan barruu irratti cuqaastu qaaqni ofumaan xiqqaata. Akkuma ati qabduu hantuutee gad lakkiifteen, qaaqni bakkatti deebi'a akkasumas hangi wabii hantuutee waliin qindaa'e galmee keessatti godayyaa cuquliisaan shoolama.

Icon shrink


Icon Expand


Bu'aawwan garagalchi gara

Man'ee duraa iddoo bu'aawwan gamtaa'inaa itti agrsiifaman agarsiisa.


Maalimaa ykn maalimoota filataman dhugoomsa osoo hin barbaadiin haqa.


Hammanga man'ee sanduuqa Hammanga deetaa maddaa fi sanduuqa hammngawwan gamtaa'inaakeessatti ifteessaman walitti ida'a.


Dirqalaalee dabalataa agarsiisa.

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