Ulaagaa Tartiiba Qabsiisaa

Hangii filameef dirqalaalee tartiiba qabsiisan ifteessi.


Matadureewwan tarjaa fi tarree kamiyyu filannoo kana keessaatti akka haammatamu mirkaneessi.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Data - Sort - Sort Criteria tab.

On Standard bar, click

Icon Sort Ascending

Olee Fooyi

Icon Sort Descending

Gadee Fooyi

Ittiin tartiiba qabsiisi

Select the column that you want to use as the primary sort key.


Sorts the selection from the lowest value to the highest value. The sorting rules are given by the locale. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on - Languages and Locales - General.


Sorts the selection from the highest value to the lowest value. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on - Languages and Locales - General.

Sanaa booda kanaan

Select the column that you want to use as the secondary sort key.


Sorts the selection from the lowest value to the highest value. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on - Languages and Locales - General.


Sorts the selection from the highest value to the lowest value. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on - Languages and Locales - General.

Olee/Gadee Foo'i

Sorts the selection from the highest to the lowest value, or from the lowest to the highest value. Number fields are sorted by size and text fields by the order of the characters. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on - Languages and Locales - General.

Sajoowwan kamshaa Waaltina irraa

Icon Sort Ascending

Olee Fooyi

Icon Sort Descending

Gadee Fooyi

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