Hangiiwwan Maxxansa Gulaali

Opens a dialog where you can specify the print range. You can also set the rows or columns which are to be repeated in every page.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Print Ranges - Edit.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Layout - Edit tab.

On the Layout menu of the Layout tab, choose Print Ranges - Edit.

From toolbars:

Icon Edit Print Ranges

Edit Print Ranges

Tarreewwan ykn sarjaawwan fuula hunda irratti maxxansuu

Wardii irratti Hangiiwwan Maxxansaa Ibsuu

Hangii Maxxansaa

Hangii Maxxansaa ramadaee akka foyyeesituu si heeyyama.

Select -none- to remove a print range definition for the current spreadsheet. Select -entire sheet- to set the current sheet as a print range. Select -selection- to define the selected area of a spreadsheet as the print range. By selecting -user-defined-, you can define a print range that you have already defined using the Format - Print Ranges - Define command. If you have given a name to a range using the Sheet - Named Ranges and Expressions - Define command, this name will be displayed and can be selected from the list box.

Harkaa mirgaa sanduuqa barruutti,maqaan ykn wabiin hangii maxxansa galchuu dandeessa.Yoo qareen sanduuqa barruuHangii Maxxansa keessa taate,hantuutee keetiin wardii keessatti hangii maxxansa filachuu dandessa.

Shrink / Expand

Click the Shrink icon to reduce the dialog to the size of the input field. It is then easier to mark the required reference in the sheet. The icons then automatically convert to the Expand icon. Click it to restore the dialog to its original size.

Yeroo hantuuteedhaan barruu irratti cuqaastu qaaqni ofumaan xiqqaata. Akkuma ati qabduu hantuutee gad lakkiifteen, qaaqni bakkatti deebi'a akkasumas hangi wabii hantuutee waliin qindaa'e galmee keessatti godayyaa cuquliisaan shoolama.

Icon shrink


Icon Expand


Tarrewwan irradeebi'amuu

Tokko tokko fuulaa irratti maxxansuuf tarrewwan tokko ykn isaa olii fili. Sanduuqa barruu sirrii keeessatti wabii tarree galchii, fakkeenyaaf, "1" ykn "$1" ykn "$2:$3". sanduuqni tarree -Hiika Fayyadamaa- agarsiisa. Akkaasumaas tarree deddebi'aa hiikamee haquuf-homa- filachuu dandeessa.

Akkasumas wardii irraa hantuutee harkisuun tarreewwaan deddebi'aa hikamee ramaduu dandeessa,yoo qareen qaaqa dirree barruuTarrewwan irradeebi'amuu keessa taate.

Shrink / Expand

Click the Shrink icon to reduce the dialog to the size of the input field. It is then easier to mark the required reference in the sheet. The icons then automatically convert to the Expand icon. Click it to restore the dialog to its original size.

Yeroo hantuuteedhaan barruu irratti cuqaastu qaaqni ofumaan xiqqaata. Akkuma ati qabduu hantuutee gad lakkiifteen, qaaqni bakkatti deebi'a akkasumas hangi wabii hantuutee waliin qindaa'e galmee keessatti godayyaa cuquliisaan shoolama.

Icon shrink


Icon Expand


Tarjaawwan irradeebi'amuu

Tokko tokko fuulaa irratti maxxansuuf tarjaawwan tokko ykn isaa olii filiSanduuqa barruu sirrii keeessatti wabii tarjaa galchii,fakkeenyaaf,"A" ykn "AB" ykn "$c:$E". Sanduuqni tarjaa -Hiika Fayyadamaa- agarsiisa.Akkaasumaas tarjaa deddebi'aa hiikamee haquuf-homa- filachuu dandeessa

Akkasumas wardii irraa hantuutee harkisuun tarjaawwaan deddebi'aa hikamee ramaduu dandeessa,yoo qareen qaaqa dirree barruutarjaawwan irradeebi'amuu keessa taate.

Shrink / Expand

Click the Shrink icon to reduce the dialog to the size of the input field. It is then easier to mark the required reference in the sheet. The icons then automatically convert to the Expand icon. Click it to restore the dialog to its original size.

Yeroo hantuuteedhaan barruu irratti cuqaastu qaaqni ofumaan xiqqaata. Akkuma ati qabduu hantuutee gad lakkiifteen, qaaqni bakkatti deebi'a akkasumas hangi wabii hantuutee waliin qindaa'e galmee keessatti godayyaa cuquliisaan shoolama.

Icon shrink


Icon Expand


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