LibreOffice 24.8 Help
This category contains the Logical functions.
Zero (0) is equivalent to FALSE and all other numbers are equivalent to TRUE.
Empty cells and text in cells are ignored.
A #VALUE error is raised if all arguments are ignored.
A #VALUE error is raised if one argument is direct text (not text in a cell).
Errors as argument lead to an error.
Yoo qocolloon hunduu DHUGAA ta'an DHUGAA deebisa. Yoo elementiin tokko SOBA ta'e,faankishiniin kun gatii SOBAA deebisa.
Qocolloon sirna yaadaa (DHUGAA,1<5,2+3=7,B8<10) gatii sirna yaadaa deebisa,ykn aareen(A1:C3)gatii sirna yaadaa of keessaa qaba.
AND(Logical 1 [; Logical 2 [; … [; Logical 255]]])
Gatiin sirna yaada hundaa 12<13; 14>12, and 7<6 ni mirkanaa'a:
=FI(12<13;14>12;7<6) SOBA deebisa.
=AND(FALSE();TRUE()) returns FALSE.
Gatii sirna yaadaa SOBA deebisa. Faankishiniin SOBAA() yeroo hundaa gaii sirna yaadaa SOBA deebisa.
=N(SOBA) 0 deebisa
=NOT(SOBA()) DHUGAA deebisa.
sirna yaadaa hojjatamu adda baasa.
IF(Test [; [ThenValue] [; [OtherwiseValue]]])
Yaaliin galii kamiyyuu ykn ibsa kan DHUGAA ykn SOBA ta'uu danda'a.
Achumaan gatiin (filannoo) gatii yoo sirni yaada yaalii DHUGAA ta'e deebisa.
Yoo hin taane gatiin (filannoo) gatii yoo sirni yaada yaalii SOBA ta'e deebisa.
In the LibreOffice Calc functions, parameters marked as "optional" can be left out only when no parameter follows. For example, in a function with four parameters, where the last two parameters are marked as "optional", you can leave out parameter 4 or parameters 3 and 4, but you cannot leave out parameter 3 alone.
=IF(A1>5;100;"too small") If the value in A1 is greater than 5, the value 100 is returned; otherwise, the text too small is returned.
=IF(A1>5;;"too small") If the value in A1 is greater than 5, the value 0 is returned because empty parameters are considered to be 0; otherwise, the text too small is returned.
=IF(A1>5;100;) If the value in A1 is less than 5, the value 0 is returned because the empty OtherwiseValue is interpreted as 0; otherwise 100 is returned.
Gatii yaayaa guuchisaa(garagalchaa).
NOT(Sirna yaadaa)
GatiiYaayaa gatii garagaru kamuudha.
Yoo qajeelfamni tokkollee TRUE ta'e TRUE deebisa. Yoo qajeelfamnoonni hunduu gatii yaayyaa FALSE ta'e, Faankishiniin kun FALSE deebisa.
Qocolloon sirna yaadaa (DHUGAA,1<5,2+3=7,B8<10) gatii sirna yaadaa deebisa,ykn aareen(A1:C3)gatii sirna yaadaa of keessaa qaba.
OR(Logical 1 [; Logical 2 [; … [; Logical 255]]])
Gatii yaayyaa kan 12<11;13>12, fi 45=45 hunduu mirkaneeffamuu qaba.
=OR(12<11;13>22;45=45) DHUGAA deebisa.
=OR(FALSE();TRUE()) returns TRUE.
Gatiin yaayyaa gara TRUE qindaa'a. Faankishiniin TRUE() qajeelfama kamiyyuu hin barbaadu, yeroo hundaa gatii yaayyaa TRUE deebisa.
Yoo A=TRUE fi B=FALSE fakkeenyi armaan gadii ni mul'ata:
=AND(A;B) FALSE deebisa
=OR(A;B)DHUGAA deebisa.
=NOT(AND(A;B)) DHUGAA deebisa.
Returns true if an odd number of arguments evaluates to TRUE.
Qocolloon sirna yaadaa (DHUGAA,1<5,2+3=7,B8<10) gatii sirna yaadaa deebisa,ykn aareen(A1:C3)gatii sirna yaadaa of keessaa qaba.
XOR(Logical 1 [; Logical 2 [; … [; Logical 255]]])
=XOR(TRUE();TRUE()) returns FALSE
=XOR(TRUE();TRUE();TRUE()) returns TRUE
=XOR(FALSE();TRUE()) returns TRUE