Insert Cells

Opens the Insert Cells dialog, in which you can insert new cells according to the options that you specify.

You can delete cells by choosing Sheet - Delete Cells.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

From the menu bar:

Choose Sheet - Insert Cells.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Insert Cells.

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Cells

Man'oota Saagi

From the keyboard:

+ "+"


Naannoon kun filannoowwan man'ee gara wardiitti saaguuf gargaaran of keessatti qabata.

Man'eewwan gad jijjiiri

Inserts cells and moves the contents of the selected range downward.

Man'eewwan mirgatti jijjiiri

Inserts cells and moves the contents of the selected range to the right.

Tarree Hunda

InsertsTarree hunda saaga.Bakki tarree filannoo wardii irratti taasifamuun murteeffama. Lakkofsi tarreewwan saagamanii baay'ina tarreewwan filatamanii irratti hundaa'a.Qabeentootni tarreewwan xabboo gara gadiitti hiiqu.


This command is equivalent to Rows Above.

Tarjaa Hunda

Tarjaa hunda saaga.Lakkoofsi tarjaawwan saagamuuf jiranii, lakkoofsa tarjaawwan filatamaniidhaan murtaa'a. Qabeentootni tarjaawwan xabboo gara mirgaatti jijjiiramu.


This command is equivalent to Columns Before.

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