Fill Cells

Man'ee qabeentaadhaan ofumaa guuta

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From the menu bar:

Choose Sheet - Fill Cells.

Fill Down

Yoo xinnaate hangii tarreewwan filataman lamaa qabeentota man'ee hangiitiin guuta.

Fill Right

Yoo xinnaate hangii tarreewwan filataman lamaa qabeentota man'ee dhuma harka bitaa irra jiraniin guuta.

Fill Up

Qabeentoota dhuma man'eera jiraniif yoo xiqqaate hammanga filatame guuta.

Fill Left

Yoo xiqaatee tarjaawwan lama qabeentoota man'ee mirgaa fagatanii argaman waliin hangii filamaneef guuta .

Fill Sheets

Specifies the options for transferring sheets or ranges of a certain sheet to the same cells on other selected sheets.

Fill Series

Automatically generate series with the options in this dialog. Determine direction, increment, time unit and series type.

Fill Random Numbers

Populate a cell range with automatically generated pseudo random numbers with the selected distribution function and its parameters.

Filling cells using context menus

You can reuse the values in the current column to fill the cell.

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