Error-Handling Functions

Use the following statements and functions to define the way LibreOffice Basic reacts to run-time errors.

LibreOffice Basic offers several methods to prevent the termination of a program when a run-time error occurs.

CVErr Function

Himannoo diraa ykn himannoo lakkoofsaa gara himannoo addaba'aa gosa xixiqqaa"Error" tti geeddari.

Erl Function

Lakkaddaa dogogoraa yommuu sagantichi hojjetuu addaan baasu deebisi.

Err Function

Lakkaddaa dogogoraa yommuu sagantichi hojjetuu addaan baasu deebisi.

Err Object [VBA]

Use VBA Err object to raise or handle runtime errors.

IsError Function

Yoo jijjiiramaan gatii dogoggoraa qabaate basdaada.

Error Function

Returns the error message that corresponds to a value or raises a given error context.

On Error GoTo ... Resume Statement

karaa qabanoo-dogongoraa erga dogongorri uumameen booda dandeessisi, ykn sagantaa raawwii itti fufa

Resume Statement

Resets error information and indicates what to execute next.

ScriptForge.Exception service

The Exception service is a collection of methods to assist in code debugging in Basic and Python scripts and in error handling in Basic scripts.

In Basic scripts, when a run-time error occurs, the methods and properties of the Exception service help identify the error context and allow to handle it.

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