Programming Examples for Controls in the Dialog Editor

Fakkeenyootii armaan gadii qaaqa haaraadhaaf "Qaaqa1" jedhamee waamama. Gulaalaa qaaqa keessatti qaaqa uumuu fi too'annoota armaan gadii ida'uuf meeshaalee kabala SaanduqaMeeshaa irraa fayyadami: Sanduuqii-filannoo "Sanduuqii-filannoo1" jedhamee waamama, Dirree Moggaasaa "Moggaasa1" jedhamee waamama, Qabduu "QabduuAjajaa1" jedhamee waamama, fi Saanduqa Tarree ammoo "SaanduqaTarree1" jedhameetu waamama.

Sajoo Ofegannoo

Jijjiirama wantaa tokkotti yammuu too'annaa tokko miiltessituu, Qubeen, qubee guddaa fi qubee xixiqqaan wal-fakkeessuu qabda.

Qaaqawwan Fe'uuf Dalaga Giloobaalii

Function LoadDialog(Libname as String, DialogName as String, Optional oLibContainer)
Dim oLib as Object '
Dim oLibDialog as Object
Dim oRuntimeDialog as Object
    If IsMissing(oLibContainer) Then
        oLibContainer = DialogLibraries
    End If
    oLib = oLibContainer.GetByName(Libname)
    oLibDialog = oLib.GetByName(DialogName)
    oRuntimeDialog = CreateUnoDialog(oLibDialog)
    LoadDialog() = oRuntimeDialog
End Function

LoadDialog function is stored in Tools.ModuleControls available from Application Macros and Dialogs.

Qaaqa tokko agarsiissuu

rem global definition of variables
Dim oDialog1 AS Object
Sub StartDialog1
    With GlobalScope.BasicLibraries
       If Not .IsLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then .LoadLibrary("Tools")
    End With
    oDialog1 = Tools.ModuleControls.LoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
End Sub

Saganticha keessaa kan Too'annaawwanii Dubbisi ykn Gulaali

Sub Sample1
    With GlobalScope.Basiclibraries
       If Not .IsLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then .LoadLibrary("Tools")
    End With
    oDialog1 = Tools.LoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
    Ilaallata qaaqaa REM argadhu
    oDialog1Model = oDialog1.Model
    REM display text of Label1
    oLabel1 = oDialog1.GetControl("Label1")
    MsgBox oLabel1.Text
    Moggaasa1 too'annaadhaaf barruu haaraa REM qindeessi
    oLabel1.Text = "New Files"
    Haalojii1 too'annaadhaaf amaloota ilaallata REM agarsiisi
    oCheckBox1Model = oDialog1Model.CheckBox1
    MsgBox oCheckBox1Model.Dbg_Properties
    Haalojii1 too'annaadhaaf ilaallata haalaa haaraa REM qindeessi
    oCheckBox1Model.State = 1
    QabduuAjaja1 too'annaadhaaf amaloota ilaallata REM agarsiisi
    oCMD1Model = oDialog1Model.CommandButton1
    MsgBox oCMD1Model.Dbg_Properties
    QabduuAjaja1 too'annaadhaaf amaloota REM agarsiisi
    oCMD1 = oDialog1.GetControl("CommandButton1")
    MsgBox oCMD1.Dbg_Properties
    Qaaqa REM raawwadhu
End Sub

SaanduqaTarree tokkotti Galfata ida'i

Sub AddEntry
    With GlobalScope.Basiclibraries
       If Not .IsLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then .LoadLibrary("Tools")
    End With
    oDialog1 = ModuleControls.LoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
    REM galfata haaraa tokko SaanduqaTarreetti ida'a
    oDialog1Model = oDialog1.Model
    oListBox = oDialog1.GetControl("ListBox1")
    Dim iCount as integer
    iCount = oListbox.ItemCount
    oListbox.additem("New Item" & iCount,0)
End Sub

Galfata SaanduqaTarree tokko irraa haqi

Sub RemoveEntry
    With GlobalScope.Basiclibraries
       If Not .IsLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then .LoadLibrary("Tools")
    End With
    oDialog1 = Tools.ModuleControls.LoadDialogLoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
    REM remove the first entry from the ListBox
    oDialog1Model = oDialog1.Model
    oListBox = oDialog1.GetControl("ListBox1")
End Sub

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