LibreOffice 24.8 सहयोग
Saves the file as an HTML document, so that you can view it in a web browser. You can choose to create a separate page when a heading style that you specify is encountered in the document. If you choose this option, a separate page of links to all of the pages that are generated is also created.
क्रमागत सङ्ख्याहरू फाइल नाममा थप गरिन्छ यदि एक भन्दा बढी HTML कागजात निर्माण गरियो भने. HTML पृष्ठहरूको शीर्षक उच्च अध्याय हेडिङबाट निर्माण गरिन्छ.
Select the heading paragraph style that you want to use to indicate a new HTML page. To use this option, apply one of the heading paragraph styles to the paragraphs where you want to start a new page in the document.