चिठ्ठी विजार्ड - मुगर्क गर्ने वस्तुहरू

Defines the items to be included in the letter template.

यो आदेश पहुँच गर्न...

Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Printed Items.


Includes a logo on the letter template.

खाम सञ्झ्यालमा ठेगाना फर्काउनुहोस्

Includes a small size return address on the letter template.

चिठ्ठी चिन्हहरू

Includes a line with references to a business letter on the letter template.

बिषय लाइन

Includes a subject line on the letter template.


Includes a salutation on the letter template. Select the salutation from the list box.

फोल्ड चिनोहरू

Includes fold marks on the letter template.

Complimentary close

Includes a complimentary close on the letter template. Select the text from the list box.


Includes a footer on the letter template.

चिठ्ठी विजार्ड - प्रापक र प्रेषकमा जानुहोस्

कृपया हामीलाई समर्थन गर्नुहोस्!