
ले फिल्टरका लागि जानकारी फाइल सम्पादन गर्नुहोस् वा प्रविष्टि गर्नुहोस् ।

यो आदेश पहुँच गर्न...

Tools - Macros - XML Filter Settings, then click New or Edit.

फिल्टर नाम

Enter the name that you want to display in the list box of the XML Filter Settings dialog. You must enter a unique name.


Select the application that you want to use with the filter.

फाइल प्रकारको नाम

Enter the name that you want to display in the File type box in file dialogs. You must enter a unique name. For import filters, the name appears in the File type box of Open dialogs. For export filters, the name appears in the File format box of Export dialogs.

फाइल विस्तार

Enter the file extension to use when you open a file without specifying a filter. LibreOffice uses the file extension to determine which filter to use.


Enter a comment (optional).

कृपया हामीलाई समर्थन गर्नुहोस्!