
Underlines or removes underlining from the selected text.

यो आदेश पहुँच गर्न...

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Text - Underline.

Choose Format - Text - Double Underline.

From the tabbed interface:

From toolbars:

Icon Underline


From the sidebar:

Choose Properties - Character - Underline.

From the keyboard:

+ D (Double underline).

यदि कर्सर एउटा शब्दमा छैन भने, तपाईँले प्रविष्टि गर्ने नयाँ पाठ कच गरिन्छ ।

Single Underline

Underlines the selected text with a single line.

Double Underline

Underlines the selected text with two lines.

कृपया हामीलाई समर्थन गर्नुहोस्!