LibreOffice 25.2 सहयोग
This menu provides drawing page management and navigation commands.
Inserts a blank page after the selected page.
Inserts a copy of the current slide after the current slide.
Inserts a copy of the current page after the current page.
फाइलमा तपाईँलाई सम्पूर्ण फाइल वा निश्चित तत्वहरू घुसाउन अनुमति दिइन्छ ।
Set a new name for the page.
Delete the current page.
Saves the background image of the current slidepage.
Set the image background of the slidepage.
एकल र बहुविध-पृष्ठ कागजातहरूका लागि पृष्ठ सजावटहरू परिभाषित गर्न तपाईँलाई अनुमति दिन्छ, साथसाथै एउटा क्रमाङकन र कागज ढाँचाहरू ।
Displays the Available Master Slides dialog, where you can select a layout scheme for the current page. Any objects in the page design are inserted behind objects in the current page.
Opens a sub-menu for page navigation.
कृपया हामीलाई समर्थन गर्नुहोस्!