NPV Function [VBA]

Calculates the Net Present Value of an investment, based on a supplied discount rate, and a series of deposits and withdrawals.


यस k, कार्य वा वस्तुले प्रयोगयोग्य कार्यक्रम कोडमा एक मोड्युलमा प्रयोग गरिएको Option VBASupport 1 विधानसहितका अगाडि सक्षम गरिएको छ।


NPV (Rate as Double, Values() as Double)

Return value:



दरएक अवधिकालागि छुट दर हो ।

Values() is an array that represent deposits (positive values) or withdrawals (negative values).

त्रुटि सङ्केतहरू

5 अवैध कार्य-विधि कल


REM ***** BASIC *****
Option VBASupport 1
Sub ExampleNPV
 Dim r As Double
 Dim pValues(5) as Double
 pValues(0) = 100
 pValues(1) = 100
 pValues(2) = 100
 pValues(3) = -300
 pValues(4) = 100
 pValues(5) = 100
 r = 0.06
 p = NPV( r, pValues)
 Print p ' returns 174,894967305331
End Sub

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