Choose Function

तर्कको सूचीबाट चयन भएको मान फर्काउँछ ।


  Choose (Index As Integer, Expression1[, Expression2, ... [, Expression_n]]) As Variant

Return value:

Variant. A value inferred from the Index parameter.


Index: Any numeric expression rounded to a whole number. Index accepts integer values starting at 1 that specify which of the possible choices to return.

Expression1, Expression2, …, Expression_n: Expressions representing each of the possible choices.

The Choose function returns a value from the list of expressions based on the index value. If Index = 1, the function returns the first expression in the list, if Index = 2, it returns the second expression, and so on.

If the index value is less than 1 or greater than the number of expressions listed, the function returns a Null value.

Error #5 occurs when parameters are omitted. Error #13 occurs if Index equals Null.

त्रुटि सङ्केतहरू

5 अवैध कार्य-विधि कल

13 प्रकार अशुद्ध जोडा


The following example uses the or Choose function to select a string from several strings that form a menu:

Sub ExampleChoose
    Print ChooseMenu(2) ' "Save Format"
    MsgBox Choose(index :=  -5, 9, "Basic", PI) ' Null
    MsgBox Choose(index := 3.14, 9, "Basic", PI) ' PI
End Sub
Function ChooseMenu(Index As Integer)
    मेनु रोज्नुहोस् =रोज्नुहोस्(अनुक्रमणिका, "द्रुत ढाँचा", "बचत ढाँचा", "शैली ढाँचा")
End Function

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