
Specifies the macro to run when you click an image, frame, or an OLE object.

За да пристапите до оваа наредба...

Choose Insert/Format - Image - Properties - Macro tab.

Choose Format - Frame and Object - Properties - Macro tab.

Choose Tools - AutoText - AutoText (button) - Macro.

Choose Tools - ImageMap - open context menu Macro.

Choose Format - Character - Hyperlink tab - Events button.


Lists the events that can trigger a macro. Only the events that are relevant to the selected object are listed.

The following table lists the object types and the events that can trigger a macro:


Event trigger




Автоматски текст

ImageMap area


Кликни објект

object is selected

Глувчето над објектот

mouse pointer moves over the object

Trigger Hyperlink

hyperlink that is assigned to the object is clicked

Mouse leaves object

mouse pointer moves off the object

Image loaded successfully

image is loaded successfully

Image loading terminated

loading of the image is terminated by the user (for example, when downloading)

Could not load image

image is not successfully loaded

Input of alpha characters

text is inputted

Input of non-alpha characters

Nonprinting characters, such as tabs and line breaks, are entered

Промени големина на рамка

frame is resized

Премести рамка

frame is moved

Пред вметнување авто. текст

before AutoText is inserted

По вметнување АвтоТекст

after AutoText is inserted

Note Icon

For events that are linked to controls in forms, seeControl properties, or Form properties.

Assigned Action

Specify the macro that executes when the selected event occurs.

Frames allow you to link certain events to a function that then decides if the event is handled by LibreOffice Writer or by the function. See the LibreOffice Basic Help for more information.

Macro From

Lists the LibreOffice program and any open LibreOffice document. Within this list, select the location where you want to pick the macro from.

Existing Macros

Lists the available macros. Select the macro that you want to assign to the selected event, and then click Assign.


Assigns the selected macro to the selected event.


Removes the macro assignment from the selected entry.

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