Drop Caps

Formats the first letter of a paragraph with a large capital letter, that can span several lines. You can also format the first word of the paragraph with large type.

За да пристапите до оваа наредба...

Choose Format - Paragraph - Drop Caps tab.

Choose View - Styles - open context menu New/Edit Style - Drop Caps tab.


Display drop caps

Applies the drop cap settings to the selected paragraph.

Цел збор

Displays the first letter of the first word in the paragraph as a drop cap, and the remaining letters of the word as large type.

Број на знаци

Enter the number of characters to convert to drop caps.


Enter the number of lines that you want the drop cap to extend downward from the first line of the paragraph. The selection is limited to 2-9 lines.

Space to text

Enter the amount of space to leave between the drop caps and the rest of the text in the paragraph.



Enter the text that you want to display as drop caps instead of the first letters of the paragraph.

Стил на знаци

Select the formatting style that you want to apply to the drop caps. To use the formatting style of the current paragraph, select [None].

Поле за преглед

Displays a preview of the current selection.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.

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