LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Ги дефинира опциите за безбедност за зачувување документи и за отворање документи коишто содржат макроа.
Opens the "Security Options and Warnings" dialog.
You can enter a master password to enable easy access to sites that require a user name and password.
If enabled, LibreOffice will securely store all passwords that you use to access files from web servers. You can retrieve the passwords from the list after you enter the master password.
Old configurations may contain weakly encrypted passwords, in this case an infobar is shown when the application starts to prompt to reenter the master password in order to resave them with stronger encryption.
Check to enable all connections' passwords to be protected by a master password.
Opens the Enter Master Password dialog.
Asks for the master password. If master password is correct, shows the Stored Web Connection Information dialog.
The Stored Web Connection Information dialog shows a list of web sites and user names that you entered previously. You can select any entry and remove it from the list. You can view the password for the selected entry.
Removes the selected entry from the list.
Removes the selected entry from the list.
Наместете го нивото на безбедност за извршување макроа и наведете ги авторите на доверливи макроа.
Opens the Macro Security dialog.