
Оваа наредба отвора дијалог за приспособување на програмата кон вашите потреби.

Сите ваши поставувања ќе бидат автоматски зачувани. За да отворите елемент или кликнете двапати на елементот или кликнете на знакот плус. За да затворите елемент, кликнете на знакот минус или кликнете двапати на елементот.


You see only the entries that are applicable to the current document. If the current document is a text document, you see the LibreOffice Writer entry, and so on for all modules of LibreOffice.

За да пристапите до оваа наредба...

From the menu bar:

From the tabbed interface:

On the top right menu (☰), choose Options.

From the keyboard:

Alt + F12

Options dialog buttons


Save the changes in the page and close the Options dialog.


Close the Options dialog and discard all changes done.


Applies the modified or selected values without closing the Options dialog.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.


Some options cannot be reset once edited. Either edit back the changes manually or click Cancel and reopen the Options dialog.


Opens the help contents for the Options page displayed.


Use this dialog to create general settings for working with LibreOffice. The information covers topics such as user data, saving, printing, paths to important files and directories.


Задава општи поставувања за вчитување/зачувување.

Languages and Locales

Defines the properties for additional languages.

LibreOffice Writer

Овие поставувања одредуваат на кој начин се ракува со текстуалните документи креирани во LibreOffice. Исто така може да се дефинираат поставувања за тековниот текстуален документ.

LibreOffice Writer/Web

Defines the basic settings for LibreOffice documents in HTML format.

LibreOffice Calc

Defines various settings for spreadsheets, contents to be displayed, and the cursor direction after a cell entry. You can also define sorting lists, determine the number of decimal places and the settings for recording and highlighting changes.

LibreOffice Impress

Defines various settings for newly created presentation documents, such as the contents to be displayed, the measurement unit used, if and how grid alignment is carried out, and if notes and handouts are always printed.

LibreOffice Draw

Defines the global settings for drawing documents, including the contents to be displayed, the scale to be used, the grid alignment and the contents to be printed by default.

LibreOffice Math

Defines the print format and print options for all new formula documents. These options apply when you print a formula directly from LibreOffice Math.

LibreOffice Base

Defines the general settings for the data sources in LibreOffice.


Defines the general settings for charts.


Specifies Internet settings.

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