
Креира нов LibreOffice документ.

За да пристапите до оваа наредба...

From the menu bar:

Choose File - New.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - New.

On the top right menu (☰), choose New.

From toolbars:

Icon New

New (the icon shows the type of the new document).

From the start center:

Click on the corresponding document type icon.

From the keyboard:


If you want to create a document from a template, choose New - Templates.

Шаблон е датотека која содржи елементи за дизајнот на документот, вклучително и стилови за форматирање, позадини, рамки, графика, полиња, распоред на страницата, и текст.




Icon Text Document

Текстуален документ

Creates a text document in LibreOffice Writer.

Icon Spreadsheet

Табеларна пресметка

Creates a spreadsheet document in LibreOffice Calc.

Icon Presentation


Creates a presentation document in LibreOffice Impress.

Icon Drawing


Creates a drawing document in LibreOffice Draw.

Icon Formula


Creates a formula document in LibreOffice Math.

Icon Database

База на податоци

Opens the Database Wizard to create a database file.

Icon HTML Document


Creates a HTML document.

Icon XML Form Document

Документ за XML-формулар

Creates a XForms document.

Icon Labels


Opens the Labels dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a text document for the labels in LibreOffice Writer.

Icon Business Cards

Визит карти

Opens the Business Cards dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a text document in LibreOffice Writer.

Icon Master Document

Главен документ

Creates a master document.

Icon Templates


Creates a document using an existing template.

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