LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Враќање на случаен број помеѓу 0 и 1.
Rnd [(Израз)]
Expression: Has no effect, is ignored if provided.
The Rnd function returns decimal fractions ranging from 0 (included) to 1 (excluded) according to a uniform distribution. It uses the Mersenne Twister 19937 random-number generator. To generate random integers in a given range, use a formula like in the example below. A Randomize statement with a defined seed value can be used beforehand, if a predictable sequence of numbers is desired.
Sub ExampleRandomSelect
Dim iVar As Integer
iVar = Int((15 * Rnd) -2)
Select Case iVar
Case 1 To 5
Печати "број од 1 до 5"
Case 6, 7, 8
Печати "број од 6 до 8"
Case Is > 8 And iVar < 11
Печати "поголемо од 8"
Case Else
Печати "надворешен опсег 1 до 10"
End Select
End Sub