Write# Statement

Writes data to a sequential text file with delimiting characters.


Use Print# statement to print data to a sequential text file. Use Put# statement to write data to a binary or a random file.


Write Statement diagram

Write [#fileNum] {,|;} expression [, …]


fileNum: Any numeric expression that contains the file number that was set by the Open statement for the respective file.

expression list: Variables or expressions that you want to enter in a file, separated by commas.

If the expression list is omitted, the Write# statement appends an empty line to the file.

To add an expression list to a new or an existing file, the file must be opened in the Output or Append mode.

The Write# statement enters data that is enclosed by quotation marks and separated by commas into a file. You do not need to use delimiters in the list. The end of a file created with the Write# statement is indicated by a line end symbol.

Each Write statement outputs a line end symbol as last entry.

Numbers with decimal delimiters are converted according to the locale settings.


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