Bibliogrāfijas izveidošana

A bibliography is a list of works that you reference in a document.

Storing Bibliographic Information

LibreOffice stores bibliographic information in a bibliography database, or in an individual document.

To Store Information in the Bibliography Database

  1. Izvēlieties Rīki - Bibliogrāfijas datubāze

  2. Choose Data - Record.

  3. Type a name for the bibliography entry in the Short name box, and then add additional information to the record in the remaining boxes.

  4. Aizveriet logu Bibliogrāfijas datubāze.

To Store Bibliographic Information in an Individual Document

  1. Klikšķiniet savā dokumentā tur, kur jūs vēlaties pievienot bibliogrāfijas ierakstu.

  2. Choose Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Bibliography Entry.

  3. Select From document content and click New.

  4. Type a name for the bibliography entry in the Short name box.

  5. Select the publication source for the record in the Type box, and then add additional information in the remaining boxes.

  6. Klikšķiniet Labi.

  7. In the Insert Bibliography Entry dialog, click Insert, and then Close.

Piezīmes ikona

When you save a document that contains bibliography entries, the corresponding records are automatically saved in a hidden field in the document.

Bibliogrāfijas ierakstu ievietošana no bibliogrāfijas datubāzes

  1. Klikšķiniet savā dokumentā tur, kur jūs vēlaties pievienot bibliogrāfijas ierakstu.

  2. Choose Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Bibliography Entry.

  1. Select From bibliography database.

  2. Select the name of the bibliography entry that you want to insert in the Short name box.

  3. Click Insert and then click Close.

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