LibreOffice 25.2 Help
You can control LibreOffice without using a mouse device, using only the keyboard.
On each module's main help page (for example, the LibreOffice Writer or LibreOffice Calc main help page) there is a link to access the keyboard shortcuts' help for that module.
In addition, under the keyword "Accessibility" you find step-by-step instructions about how to control the selected module without a mouse device.
Repeatedly pressing F6 switches the focus and circles through the following objects:
menu bar,
every toolbar from top to bottom and from left to right,
every free window from left to right,
Press Shift+F6 to switch through objects in the opposite direction.
+F6 to switch to the document.Press F10 to switch to the menu bar and back.
Escape closes an open submenu, a toolbar, or the current free window.
Press File menu). With right arrow, the next menu to the right is selected; with left arrow, the previous menu.
or F6 or F10 to select the first menu (theArrow down opens a selected menu. Any additional arrow down and up arrow move the selection through the menu commands. With right arrow you open any existing submenus.
Press Enter to execute the selected menu command.
Press F6 repeatedly until the first icon on the toolbar is selected. Use the right and left arrows to select an icon on a horizontal toolbar. Similarly, use the up and down arrows to select an icon on a vertical toolbar. The Home key selects the first icon on a toolbar and the End key, the last.
Press Enter to execute the selected icon. If the selected icon normally demands a consecutive mouse action, such as inserting a rectangle, then pressing the Enter key is not sufficient: in these cases press
+Enter on an icon for creating a draw object. A draw object will be placed into the middle of the view, with a predefined size.Press
+Enter on the Selection tool to select the first draw object in the document. If you want to edit, size, or move the selected draw object, first use +F6 to set the focus into the document.If a toolbar is longer than can be displayed on screen, it shows an icon at the right or lower edge. Select the toolbar and press PageUp or PageDown to display the remaining icons.
Press the down arrow or right arrow to open the selected toolbar. This is equivalent to a mouse click. In the toolbar use the right arrow and left arrow keys. The Home and End keys select the first and last icon in the toolbar, respectively.
Close the toolbar with Esc. It is not possible to move the toolbar without a mouse.
Select the combo box. Press Enter.
Use the down arrow or Page Down key to scroll down the combo box entries, or the up arrow or Page Up key to scroll upwards. The Home key takes you to the first entry and the End key takes you to the last entry.
Press Enter to execute the selected entry.
In several windows, dialogs, and in the table control field, there are tables to select data, for instance, in the right part of the Data Source View. The following keys are used for selections in these tables:
Spacebar: switches from selection of the current row and cancellation of any selection, but not if the current cell is in edit mode.
+spacebar: switches between selection of the current row and cancellation of this selection.
+Shift+spacebar: switches between selection of the current column and cancellation of this selection.
+Up Arrow or +Down Arrow: moves the window separator between table and form, for instance in the bibliography database.
In a table control or in the data source view, the Tab key moves to the next column. To move to the next control, press
+Tab. To move to the previous control, press Shift+ +Tab.First press
+spacebar.A system menu opens with menu commands like Move, Resize and Close.
Choose a command (down arrow, then Enter).
Now you can use the arrow keys to move or resize the dialog or window.
Press Enter to accept the change. Press Escape to cancel the changes.
Press F6 until the window or toolbar is selected.
+Shift+F10.Press Shift+F4 to select the first object in the current document. When an object is selected, press Tab to select the next object, or press Esc to go back to the text.
A selected OLE object can be activated with the Enter key.
Use the arrow keys to move the selected object by one grid resolution unit.
Set the grid resolution unit with - LibreOffice Writer - Grid in the Resolution area. If you enter a number greater than 1 in the Subdivision area, you must press the arrow key as often as the number states to move the selected object by one grid resolution unit.
Use the
and arrow keys to move the selected object by one pixel.Use
+Tab to enter the handle edit mode. The upper left handle is the active handle, it starts blinking. Use +Tab to select the next handle. Press Escape to exit the handle edit mode.In the handle edit mode, the arrow keys move the selected handle, which changes the object size.
You can move the anchor of an object with the arrow keys. First enter the handle edit mode and select the anchor. Depending on the type of anchor, you can then move the anchor in different directions.
Izvēlēties objektu.
Enter the handle edit mode with
+Tab.The upper left handle starts blinking. Press
+Tab several times, until no handle blinks. This signals that now the anchor of the object is activated.Use the arrow keys to move the anchor. The object follows the anchor as appropriate.
You can change the anchor of the selected object for example in the object's context menu.
If the object is anchored To Paragraph, the arrow keys move the object to the previous or next paragraph.
If the object is anchored To page, the keys Page Up or Page Down move it to the previous or next page.
If the object is anchored To character, the Arrow keys move it through the current paragraph.
If the object is anchored As character, no anchor icon exists. You cannot move the object.
If the object is anchored To frame, the Arrow keys move it to the next frame in the respective direction.
+ Shift + F4 opens and closes the data source view.
F6: switches between document and toolbars.
+ (plus key): expands the selected entry in the data source explorer.
- (minus key): collapses the selected entry in the data source explorer.
+Shift+E: switches between data source explorer and table.
F6: switches between object bar, table view, and selection area.
+Up arrow or +Down arrow: moves the border between table view and selection area up or down.
+Arrow key: moves the selected table in the direction of the arrow.
+Shift+Arrow key: resizes the selected table in the table view.
Del: removes the selected table or connection from the table view.
Tab: switches between tables and connections in the table view.
Enter: when a connection is selected, the Enter key opens the Properties dialog of the connection.
Enter: when a table is selected, the Enter key enters the first data field from the list box into the selection area.
+Left Arrow or Right Arrow: moves the selected column to the left or to the right.
F6: switches between toolbar, column view, and properties area.
Press Tab to select an icon. If you selected one of the icons from Rectangle to Freeform Polygon and you press +Enter, an object of the selected type is created in default size.
If you press Enter while the icon Select is selected, the focus is set into the image window of the ImageMap Editor. Press Esc to set the focus back to the icons and input boxes.
If the Select icon is selected and you press +Enter, the first object in the image window gets selected.
Use the icon Edit Points to switch into the point edit mode for polygons and back.
Use +Tab in the image window to select the next point. Use Shift++Tab to select the previous point.
Use the Delete key with the focus in the image window to delete the selected object.
Press Shift+F1 to display the Extended Tips for the currently selected command, icon or control.
In the main help pages, use Tab to jump to the next hyperlink or Shift+Tab to jump to the previous link.
Press Enter to execute the selected hyperlink.
Press Backspace above the Enter key to return to the previous help page.
Left or Right Arrow: go one position to the left or to the right
+Left Arrow or +Right Arrow: jump to the previous or to the next split
+Shift+Left Arrow or +Shift+Right Arrow: move a split one position to the left or to the right
Home or End: jump to the first or the last possible position
+Home or +End: jump to the first or the last split
Shift++Home or Shift++End: move split to the first or to the last position
Space key: insert or remove a split
Insert key: insert a split (leave existing splits unchanged)
Delete key: delete a split
Shift+Delete: delete all splits
Up Arrow or Down Arrow: scroll table down or up one row
Page Up or Page Down: scroll table down or up one page
Escape key (during mouse drag): cancel drag, move split to old position
Left Arrow or Right Arrow: select left or right column and clear other selections
+Left Arrow or +Right Arrow: move focus to the left or to the right column (does not change selection)
Shift+Left Arrow or Shift+Right Arrow: expand or shrink the selected range
+Shift+Left Arrow or +Shift+Right Arrow: expand or shrink the selected range (does not change other selections)
Home or End: select the first or the last column (use Shift or as with cursor keys)
Shift+Space key: select the range from the last selected column to the current column
+Shift+Space key: select the range from the last selected column to the current column (does not change other selections)
+A: select all columns
Shift+F10: atvērt konteksta izvēlni
+1 ... +7: set the 1st ... 7th column type for the selected columns
Up Arrow or Down Arrow: scroll table down or up one row
Page Up or Page Down: scroll table down or up one page
+Home or +End: scroll to the top or bottom of a table
Tab switches through all controls in the dialog.
+Down Arrow opens a combo box. Enter selects the current entry in the combo box.
Arrow buttons move through the main selection area. Spacebar adds the current character to the list of characters to be inserted.