Formas vednis

Activates the Wizard for creating forms.

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Klikšķiniet Lietot vedni, lai izveidotu formu datubāzes datnes logā.

Select the form properties using the following steps:

Form Wizard - Field Selection

On this page of the Form Wizard, you can specify the table or query that you need to create the form as well as the fields that you want to include in the form.

Formas vednis - Iestatīt apakšformu

Specify if you want to use a subform and enter the subform's properties. A subform is a form that is inserted in another form.

Formas vednis - Pievienot apakšformas laukus

Specify the table or query you need to create the subform, and which fields you wish to include in the subform.

Formas vednis - Saņemt savienotos laukus

If you chose in step 2 to set up a subform based on manual selection of fields, you can select the joined fields on this wizard page.

Formas vednis - Izvietot vadīklas

On this page of the Wizard, you can select the layout of the created form.

Formas vednis - Iestatīt datu ierakstu

Specifies the data handling mode for the new form.

Formas vednis - Pielietot stilus

Norāda formas stilu.

Formas vednis - Iestatīt nosaukumu

Specifies the name of the form and how to proceed.


View the selections in the dialog made in the previous step. The current settings remain unchanged. This button can only be activated from page two on.


Click the Next button, and the wizard uses the current dialog settings and proceeds to the next step. If you are on the last step, this button becomes Create.

Click to create the form without answering further pages.


Atcelt klikšķināšana aizver dialogu bez jebkādu veikto izmaiņu saglabāšanas.

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