Faksa vednis - Saņēmējs un sūtītājs

Specifies the receiver and sender information for the fax.

Lai piekļūtu šai komandai...

Choose File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient.

Izmantot lietotāja datus atpakaļadresei

Inserts placeholders for the address on the fax template. Later in the fax document, click the placeholder to enter the actual data.

Jauna atpakaļadrese

Select to enter the address data in the following text boxes. The data is inserted as normal text in the fax document.

(Adrešu datu lauki)

Enter the sender address data.

Lietot vietturus kā saņēmēja adresi

Inserts placeholders for the address on the fax template. Later in the fax document, click the placeholder to enter the actual data.

Lietot adrešu datubāzi vēstuļu sapludināšanai

Inserts database fields for a later mail merge with the fax document.

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