LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Edit the Chinese conversion terms.
You can use this dialog to edit, to add, or to delete entries from the conversion dictionary. The file path name for the conversion dictionary is user/wordbook/commonterms.ctd. You cannot delete the default entries in this file.
Pārveido tradicionālo ķīniešu valodu uz vienkāršoto.
Pārveido vienkāršoto ķīniešu valodu uz tradicionālo.
Automatically adds the reverse mapping direction to the list for each modification that you enter.
Enter the text that you want to replace with the Mapping term.
Enter the text that you want to replace the Term with.
Defines the class of the selected term.
Adds the term to the conversion dictionary. If the term is already in the dictionary, the new term receives precedence.
Saglabā modificēto ierakstu datubāzes datnē.
Removes the selected user-defined entry from the dictionary.