Datu avoti

This section contains information on browsing and editing database tables.

Database Overview


You cannot use the data source browser on a database table that is open in Design view.

Data source browser

The commands for the data source browser are found on the Table Data bar and in context menus.

Selecting records

To select a record in a database table, click the row header, or click a row header, and then use the Up or Down arrow keys.

The following table describes how to select individual elements in the data source browser:




Click the row header

Several records or removing a selection

Hold down and click the row header


Click the column header

Datu lauks

Click in the data field

Visa tabula

Click the row header of the column headings

Table Data toolbar (editing table data)


Allows you to edit, add, or delete records from the database table.

Datu izgriešana, kopēšana un ielīmēšana

You can cut, copy, and paste records in Data Source view. The Data Source browser also supports the dragging and dropping of records, or text and numbers from other LibreOffice files.

You cannot drag and drop to Yes/No, binary, image, or counting table fields.


Drag and drop only works in Edit mode.

Table Data Bar

Use the Table Data bar to control the data view.

Navigating in the Data Source Browser

Use the Form Navigation bar at the bottom of the Data Source view to navigate between different records.

Pirmais ieraksts

Icon First Record

Iet uz pirmo ierakstu tabulā.

Iepriekšējais ieraksts

Icon Previous Record

Iet uz iepriekšējo ierakstu tabulā.

Ieraksta numurs

Type the number of the record that you want to display, and then press Enter.

Nākamais ieraksts

Icon Next Record

Iet uz nākošo ierakstu tabulā.

Pēdējais ieraksts

Icon Last Record

Iet uz pēdējo ierakstu tabulā.

Jauns ieraksts

Icon New Record

Inserts a new record into the current table. To create a record, click the asterisk (*) button at the bottom of the table view. An empty row is added at the end of the table.

Ierakstu skaits

Displays the number of records. For example, "Record 7 of 9(2)" indicates that two records (2) are selected in a table containing 9 records, and that the cursor is in record number 7.

Tabulu organizēšana

To access the commands for formatting the table, right-click a column header, or a row header.

Tabulas formāts

Formatē atlasīto(-ās) rindu(-as).

Rindas augstums

Changes the height of the current row, or the selected rows.

Dzēst rindas

Dzēš atlasīto(-ās) rindu(-as).

Kolonnas formāts

Formatē atlasīto(-ās) kolonnu(-as).

Kolonnas platums

Changes the width of the current column, or the selected columns.

Slēpt kolonnas

Hides the selected column(s). To display hidden columns, right-click any column header, and then choose Show Columns.

Rādīt kolonnas

Displays hidden columns. Choose the column that you want to display from the list, or click All to display all of the hidden columns.

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