Fill Random Numbers

Populate a cell range with automatically generated pseudo random numbers with the selected distribution function and its parameters.

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From the menu bar:

Choose Sheet - Fill Cells - Fill Random Number


Šūnu diapazons

Define the range of cells to fill with random numbers. If you have previously selected a range, it will be displayed here.

Nejaušu skaitļu ģenerators


The distribution function for the random number generator.

Valid distributions function and their parameters are




  • Minimums: izlases minimuma vērtība.

  • Maksimums: izlases maksimuma vērtība.

Vienmērīgs vesels skaitlis

  • Minimums: izlases minimuma vērtība.

  • Maksimums: izlases maksimuma vērtība.


  • Mean: The mean of the Normal distribution.

  • Standard Deviation: The standard deviation of the Normal distribution.


The mean and standard deviation of the numbers generated may not equal the Mean and Standard Deviation inserted in the dialog.


  • Median: the median of the data or location parameter.

  • Sigma: the scale parameter.


The median and sigma of the generated numbers may not equal the data inserted in the dialog.


  • p Value: The probability of success.


  • p Value: The probability of success of each trial.

  • Number of trials: the number of trials of the experiment.

Hī kvadrāts

  • Nu Value: a positive integer that specifies the number of degrees of freedom.


  • p Value: The probability of success of each trial.

Negatīvs binomiāls

  • p Value: The probability of success of each trial.

  • Number of trials: the number of trials of the experiment.


  • Mean: The mean of the Poisson distribution.


Aktivēt pielāgoto sēklu

Set the initial value of the random number generator to a known value Seed.


Value set to initiate the random number generator algorithm. It is used to initialize (seed) the random number generator in order to reproduce the same sequence of pseudorandom numbers. Specify a positive integer number (1, 2, ...) to produce a specific sequence, or leave the field blank if you don't need this particular feature.

Aktivēt apaļošanu

Round the number to a given number of Decimal Places.

Cipari aiz komata

Number of decimal places of the numbers generated.

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