Bibliotēku un moduļu organizēšana

Basic Libraries Containers

LibreOffice Basic libraries can be stored in 3 different containers:

To access macros stored in libraries of Application Macros or My Macros from another container, including the document container, use the GlobalScope specifier.

Bibliotēku organizēšana

Jaunas bibliotēkas izveidošana

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.

  2. Klikšķiniet Bibliotēkas cilni.

  3. Select to where you want to attach the library in the Location list. If you select Application Macros & Dialogs, the library will belong to the LibreOffice application and will be available for all documents. If you select a document the library will be attached to this document and only available from there.

  4. Klikšķiniet Jauns un ievietojiet nosaukumu, lai izveidotu jaunu bibliotēku.

Importēt bibliotēku

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.

  2. Klikšķiniet Bibliotēkas cilni.

  3. Select to where you want to import the library in the Location list. If you select Application Macros & Dialogs, the library will belong to the LibreOffice application and will be available for all documents. If you select a document the library will be imported to this document and only available from there.

  4. Klikšķiniet Importēt... un atlasiet ārējo bibliotēku, kuru importēt.

  5. Dialogā Importēt bibliotēkas atlasiet visas bibliotēkas, kuras importēt. Dialogs attēlo visas bibliotēkas, kuras satur atlasītā datne.

  6. If you want to insert the library as a reference only check the Insert as reference (read-only) box. Read-only libraries are fully functional but cannot be modified in the Basic IDE.

  7. Check the Replace existing libraries box if you want existing libraries of the same name to be overwritten.

  8. Klikšķiniet Labi, lai importētu bibliotēku.

Eksportēt bibliotēku

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.

  2. Klikšķiniet Bibliotēkas cilni.

  3. In the Location list you specify where your library is stored. Select the library that you want to export. Note that you cannot export the Standard library.

  4. Klikšķiniet Eksportēt...

  5. Choose whether you want to export the library as an extension or as a BASIC library.

  6. Klikšķiniet Labi.

  7. Atlasiet, kur jūs vēlaties eksportēt savu bibliotēku.

  8. Klikšķiniet Saglabāt, lai eksportētu bibliotēku.

Bibliotēkas dzēšana

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.

  2. Klikšķiniet Bibliotēkas cilni.

  3. Atlasiet bibliotēku, kura tiks dzēsta no saraksta.

  4. Klikšķiniet Dzēst.

Moduļu un dialogu organizēšana

Jaunu moduļu vai dialogu izveidošana

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.

  2. Klikšķiniet Moduļi cilni vai Dialogi cilni.

  3. Select the library where the module will be inserted and click New.

  4. Ievadiet nosaukumu modulim vai dialogam un klikšķiniet Labi.

Moduļu vai dialogu pārsaukšana

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.

  2. Click the module to be renamed twice, with a pause between the clicks. Enter the new name.

    In the Basic IDE, right-click the name of the module or dialog in the tabs at the bottom of the screen, choose Rename and type in the new name.

  3. Nospiediet Enter, lai apstiprinātu savas izmaiņas.

Moduļu vai dialogu dzēšana

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.

  2. Klikšķiniet Moduļi cilni vai Dialogi cilni.

  3. Select the module or dialog to be deleted from the list. Double-click an entry to reveal sub-entries, if required.

  4. Klikšķiniet Dzēst.


Deleting a module permanently deletes all existing procedures and functions in that module.

Organizing Projects among Documents or Templates

Moduļu pārvietošana vai kopēšana starp dokumentiem, veidnēm un lietotni.

  1. Open all documents or templates among which you want to move or copy the modules or dialogs.

  2. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Basic and click Organizer or click the Select Module icon in the Basic IDE to open the Macro Organizer dialog.

  3. To move a module or dialog to another document, click the corresponding object in the list and drag it to the desired position. A horizontal line indicates the target position of the current object while dragging. Hold the key while dragging to copy the object instead of moving it.

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