LibreOffice 25.2 Help
The following examples are for a new dialog called "Dialog1". Use the tools on the Toolbox bar in the dialog editor to create the dialog and add the following controls: a Check Box called "CheckBox1", a Label Field called "Label1", a Button called "CommandButton1", and a List Box called "ListBox1".
Be consistent with uppercase and lowercase letter when you attach a control to an object variable.
Function LoadDialog(Libname as String, DialogName as String, Optional oLibContainer)
Dim oLib as Object '
Dim oLibDialog as Object
Dim oRuntimeDialog as Object
If IsMissing(oLibContainer) Then
oLibContainer = DialogLibraries
End If
oLib = oLibContainer.GetByName(Libname)
oLibDialog = oLib.GetByName(DialogName)
oRuntimeDialog = CreateUnoDialog(oLibDialog)
LoadDialog() = oRuntimeDialog
End Function
LoadDialog function is stored in Tools.ModuleControls available from Application Macros and Dialogs.
Mainīgo REM globālā definīcija
Dim oDialog1 AS Object
Sub StartDialog1
With GlobalScope.BasicLibraries
If Not .IsLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then .LoadLibrary("Tools")
End With
oDialog1 = Tools.ModuleControls.LoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
End Sub
Sub Sample1
With GlobalScope.Basiclibraries
If Not .IsLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then .LoadLibrary("Tools")
End With
oDialog1 = Tools.LoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
REM iegūt dialoga modeli
oDialog1Model = oDialog1.Model
REM Label1 displeja teksts
oLabel1 = oDialog1.GetControl("Label1")
MsgBox oLabel1.Text
REM iestatīt jaunu tekstu vadīklai Label1
oLabel1.Text = "Jaunas datnes"
REM displeja modeļa īpašības vadīklai CheckBox1
oCheckBox1Model = oDialog1Model.CheckBox1
MsgBox oCheckBox1Model.Dbg_Properties
REM iestatīt jaunu stāvokli priekš CheckBox1 priekš vadīklas modeļa
oCheckBox1Model.State = 1
REM displeja modeļa īpašības vadīklai CommandButton1
oCMD1Model = oDialog1Model.CommandButton1
MsgBox oCMD1Model.Dbg_Properties
REM vadīklas CommandButton1 displeja īpašības
oCMD1 = oDialog1.GetControl("CommandButton1")
MsgBox oCMD1.Dbg_Properties
REM izpildīšanas dialoglodziņš
End Sub
Sub AddEntry
With GlobalScope.Basiclibraries
If Not .IsLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then .LoadLibrary("Tools")
End With
oDialog1 = ModuleControls.LoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
REM pievieno jaunu ierakstu pie ListBox
oDialog1Model = oDialog1.Model
oListBox = oDialog1.GetControl("ListBox1")
Dim iCount as integer
iCount = oListbox.ItemCount
oListbox.additem("New Item" & iCount,0)
End Sub
Sub RemoveEntry
With GlobalScope.Basiclibraries
If Not .IsLibraryLoaded("Tools") Then .LoadLibrary("Tools")
End With
oDialog1 = Tools.ModuleControls.LoadDialogLoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
REM noņem pirmo ierakstu no ListBox
oDialog1Model = oDialog1.Model
oListBox = oDialog1.GetControl("ListBox1")
End Sub