Teksto formatavimo juosta

Jei norite matyti Teksto formatavimo juostą, žymeklį padėkite tekstiniame objekte.

Font Name

Allows you to select a font name from the list or enter a font name directly.

You can enter several fonts, separated by semicolons. LibreOffice uses each named font in succession if the previous fonts are not available.


Šrifto pavadinimas

Font Size

Allows you to choose between different font sizes from the list, or to enter a size manually.


Makes the selected text bold. If the cursor is in a word, the entire word is made bold. If the selection or word is already bold, the formatting is removed.

Icon Bold



Makes the selected text italic. If the cursor is in a word, the entire word is made italic. If the selection or word is already italic, the formatting is removed.

Icon Italic



Underlines or removes underlining from the selected text.

Icon Underline


Teksto spalva

Spustelėkite, jei parinktą spalvą norite pritaikyti pažymėtiems rašmenims. Taip pat galima pirma spustelėti čia, o paskui pažymėti tekstą, kurio spalvą norite keisti. Spustelėję rodyklę šalia mygtuko atversite teksto spalvos mygtukų juostą.

Icon Font Color

Šrifto spalva


Aligns the selected paragraph(s) to the container left margin.

Icon Align Left

Align Left


Centers the selected paragraph(s) on the surrounding container.

Icon Centered


Aligns the selected paragraph(s) to the container right margin.

Icon Align Right

Align Right


Aligns the selected paragraph(s) to the left and the right container margins. If you want, you can also specify the alignment options for the last line of a paragraph by choosing Format - Paragraph - Alignment.

Icon Justified


Increase Spacing

Click the Increase Spacing icon to increase the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.


Increase Spacing

Decrease Spacing

Click the Decrease Spacing icon to decrease the paragraph spacing above the selected paragraph.


Decrease Spacing

Unordered List

Assigns bullet points to the selected paragraphs, or removes them from bulleted paragraphs.

Icon Unordered List

Toggle Unordered List


Changes the font and the font formatting for the selected characters.

Icon Character



Modifies the format of the current paragraph, such as indents and alignment.



Azijos kalbos

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Languages and Locales - General.

Text running from left to right

Specifies the horizontal direction of the text.

Icon Text direction from left to right

Text direction from left to right

Text running from top to bottom

Specifies the vertical direction of the text.

Icon Text direction from top to bottom

Text direction from top to bottom

Didinti šrifto dydį

Padidinamas pažymėto teksto šriftas.

Mažinti šrifto dydį

Sumažinamas pažymėto teksto šriftas.

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