
Sukuriamas naujas „LibreOffice“ dokumentas.

Jei norite tai atlikti…

From the menu bar:

Pasirinkiote Failas → Naujas.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - New.

On the top right menu (☰), choose New.

From toolbars:

Icon New

New (the icon shows the type of the new document).

From the start center:

Click on the corresponding document type icon.

From the keyboard:


Jei dokumentą norite kurti iš šablono, pasirinkite Naujas → Šablonai.

Šablonas – tai failas, kuriame jau yra iš anksto paruošti dokumento projekto elementai: formatavimo stiliai, fonai, kadrai, paveikslai, laukai, parengtas maketas ar dalis teksto.




Icon Text Document

Teksto dokumentas

Creates a text document in LibreOffice Writer.

Icon Spreadsheet

Skaičiuoklės dokumentas

Creates a spreadsheet document in LibreOffice Calc.

Icon Presentation


Creates a presentation document in LibreOffice Impress.

Icon Drawing

Grafikos dokumentas

Creates a drawing document in LibreOffice Draw.

Icon Formula

Formulių dokumentas

Creates a formula document in LibreOffice Math.

Icon Database

Duomenų bazė

Opens the Database Wizard to create a database file.

Icon HTML Document

HTML dokumentas

Creates a HTML document.

Icon XML Form Document

XML formos dokumentas

Creates a XForms document.

Icon Labels


Opens the Labels dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a text document for the labels in LibreOffice Writer.

Icon Business Cards

Vizitinė kortelė

Opens the Business Cards dialog where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a text document in LibreOffice Writer.

Icon Master Document

Pagrindinis dokumentas

Creates a master document.

Icon Templates


Creates a document using an existing template.

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