Įterpimo meniu

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Formatting Mark.

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Text Box.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Text Box.

On the Insert menu of the Insert tab, choose Text Box.

From toolbars:

Icon Text Box

Text Box

From the context menu:

From the tabbed interface:

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Rows Above

Insert Rows Above

From the context menu:

From the tabbed interface:

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Columns Before

Insert Columns Before

From the context menu:

From the tabbed interface:

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Rows Below

Insert Rows Below

From the context menu:

From the tabbed interface:

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Columns After

Insert Columns After

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Comment

Insert Comment

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Media - Scan.

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source.

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Media - Scan - Request.

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Special Character.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Symbol.

From toolbars:

Icon Special character

Specialusis rašmuo

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Media.

From toolbars:

Icon Media

Media / Audio or Video

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - OLE Object.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Insert OLE Object.

From toolbars:

Icon Insert OLE Object

Insert OLE Object

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - OLE Object - OLE Object.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Insert OLE Object.

From toolbars:

Icon OLE object

OLE objektas

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - OLE Object - QR and Barcode.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Insert menu of the Insert tab, choose QR and Barcode.

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - OLE Object - Formula Object.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Formula Object.

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Formula Object

Insert Formula Object

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + E

Pasirinkite Formatas → Diagramos tipas.

Choose Insert - Chart .

Pasirinkite Formatas → Diagramos tipase.

Choose Insert Chart.

Pasirinkite Formatas → Diagramos tipas.

Choose Insert - Chart.

From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Chart.

From toolbars:

Icon Chart


From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Image.

From toolbars:

Icon Image


Įterpimo mygtukų juostoje spustelėkite mygtuką

Icon Floating frame

Slankusis kadras

Atverti failą, kurio tipas nežinomas programai „LibreOffice“ ir tai ne tekstinis failas.

From the menu bar:

Pasirinkite Įterpimas → Dekoratyvusis tekstas

From the tabbed interface:

On the Insert menu of the Insert tab, choose Fontwork.

From toolbars:

Icon Fontwork

Dekoratyvusis tekstas

Icon Basic shapes

Pagrindinės figūros

Icon Symbol Shapes

Simbolinės figūros

Icon Block arrows

Nestandartinės rodyklės

Icon Flowcharts

Blokinės schemos

Icon Callouts

Figūrinės išnašos

Icon Stars


From the menu bar:

Choose Insert - Signature Line

From the tabbed interface:

On the Insert menu of the Insert tab, choose Signature Line.

From toolbars:

Icon Insert Signature Line

Insert Signature Line

Paremkite mus!