Formatavimo juosta

Formatavimo juostoje yra pagrindiniai formatavimo komandų mygtukai rankiniam formatavimui.

Specifies whether to show or hide the Styles window, which is where you can assign and organize styles.

Icon Styles


Font Name

Allows you to select a font name from the list or enter a font name directly.

You can enter several fonts, separated by semicolons. LibreOffice uses each named font in succession if the previous fonts are not available.


Šrifto pavadinimas

Font Size

Allows you to choose between different font sizes from the list, or to enter a size manually.


Makes the selected text bold. If the cursor is in a word, the entire word is made bold. If the selection or word is already bold, the formatting is removed.

Icon Bold



Makes the selected text italic. If the cursor is in a word, the entire word is made italic. If the selection or word is already italic, the formatting is removed.

Icon Italic



Underlines or removes underlining from the selected text.

Icon Underline


Teksto spalva

Spustelėkite, jei parinktą spalvą norite pritaikyti pažymėtiems rašmenims. Taip pat galima pirma spustelėti čia, o paskui pažymėti tekstą, kurio spalvą norite keisti. Spustelėję rodyklę šalia mygtuko atversite teksto spalvos mygtukų juostą.

Icon Font Color

Šrifto spalva

Kairinė lygiuotė

Aligns the contents of the cell to the left.

Icon Align Left

Align Left

Horizontalioji centrinė lygiuotė

Horizontally centers the contents of the cell.

Icon Centered

Dešininė lygiuotė

Aligns the contents of the cell to the right.

Icon Align Right

Align Right

Abipusė lygiuotė

Aligns the contents of the cell to the left and to the right cell borders.

Icon Justified


Number format: Currency

Applies the default currency format to the selected cells.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Number Format - Currency.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home.

From the sidebar:

Access the Number Format deck of the Properties Panel.

From toolbars:

Currency Number Format Icon

Number Format: Currency

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + 4

Number format: Percent

Applies the percentage format to the selected cells.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Number Format - Percent.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home.

From the sidebar:

Access the Number Format deck of the Properties Panel.

From toolbars:

Icon Number Format: Percent

Number Format: Percent

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + 5

Number format: General

Applies the default number format to the selected cells.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Number Format - General.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home.

From the sidebar:

Access the Number Format deck of the Properties Panel.

From toolbars:

Icon General Number Format

Number Format: General

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + 6

Number Format: Add Decimal Place

Adds one decimal place to the numbers in the selected cells.

Icon Add Decimal Place

Number Format: Add Decimal Place

Number Format: Delete Decimal Place

Removes one decimal place from the numbers in the selected cells.

Icon Delete Decimal Place

Number Format: Delete Decimal Place

Decrease Indent

Click the Decrease Indent icon to reduce the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the previous default tab position.


Decrease Indent

Increase Indent

Click the Increase Indent icon to increase the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the next default tab position.


Increase Indent


Click the Borders icon to open the Borders toolbar, where you can modify the border of a sheet area or an object.

Icon Borders


Background Color

Click to open a toolbar where you can click a background color for a paragraph. The color is applied to the background of the current paragraph or the selected paragraphs.

Icon Background color

Background Color

Viršutinė lygiuotė

Aligns the contents of the cell to the upper edge of the cell.

Icon Align Top

Viršutinė lygiuotė

Vertikalioji centrinė lygiuotė

Vertically centers the contents of the cell.

Icon Align Center Vertically

Vertikalioji centrinė lygiuotė

Apatinė lygiuotė

Aligns the contents of the cell to the lower edge of the cell.

Icon Align Bottom

Apatinė lygiuotė

Number Format : Date

Applies the default date format to the selected cells.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Number Format - Date.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home.

From the sidebar:

Access the Number Format deck of the Properties Panel.

From toolbars:

Icon Number Format : Date

Number Format : Date

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + 3

Number Format: Scientific

Applies the default scientific format to the selected cells.

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Number Format - Scientific.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home.

From the sidebar:

Access the Number Format deck of the Properties Panel.

From toolbars:

Icon Number Format: Scientific

Number Format: Scientific

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + 2

Papildomi mygtukai

Jei įgalinta kompleksinė teksto struktūra, matomi du papildomi mygtukai.

Iš kairės į dešinę

piktograma iš kairės į dešinę

Tekstas rašomas iš kairės į dešinę.

Iš dešinės į kairę

piktograma iš dešinės į kairę

Tekstas, kuriam pritaikyta kompleksinė struktūra, rašomas iš dešinės į kairę.

Paremkite mus!