
Spustelėkite rodyklę šalia piktogramos ir atverkite Įterpimo priemonę, kurioje galite į dabartinį lakštą įterpti pasirinktą grafiką ar specialiuosius rašmenis.

Priemonių juostos piktograma:



Galite pasirinkti šias piktogramas:

Slankusis kadras

Inserts a floating frame into the current document. Floating frames are used in HTML documents to display the contents of another file.

Icon Floating frame

Slankusis kadras

Specialieji rašmenys

Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.

Icon Special character

Specialusis rašmuo

Iš failo

Opens a file selection dialog to insert an image into the current document.

Icon Image


Audio or Video

Inserts a video or audio file into your document.

Icon Media

Media / Audio or Video


Formula Object

Inserts a formula into the current document.

Icon Insert Formula Object

Insert Formula Object


Icon Chart


OLE objektas

Insert OLE Object

Inserts an OLE object into the current document. The OLE object is inserted as a link or an embedded object.

Icon OLE object

OLE objektas

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