LibreOffice 24.8 žinynas
Trigonometrinė funkcija, kuri grąžina skaitinio reiškinio arktangentą. Grąžinimo reikšmė yra intervale nuo -Pi/2 iki + Pi/2.
The arctangent is the inverse of the tangent function. The Atn Function returns the angle "Alpha", expressed in radians, using the tangent of this angle. The function can also return the angle "Alpha" by comparing the ratio of the length of the side that is opposite of the angle to the length of the side that is adjacent to the angle in a right-angled triangle.
Atn(side opposite the angle/side adjacent to angle)= Alpha
Atn (Number As Double) As Double
Number: Any numerical expression that represents the ratio of two sides of a right triangle. The Atn function returns the corresponding angle in radians (arctangent).
Norėdami konvertuoti radianus į laipsnius, padauginkite radianus iš 180/pi.
Pi is here the fixed circle constant with the rounded value 3.14159. Pi is a Basic mathematical constant.
' Šis pavyzdys skirtas stačiajam trikampiui
' kampas„ Alpha“ atsižvelgiant į kampo„ Alpha“ tangentą:
Sub ExampleAtn
' suapvalinta Pi = 3,14159 yra apibrėžta konstanta
Dim d1 As Double
Dim d2 As Double
d1 = InputBox("Įveskite kraštinės, esančios šalia kampo, ilgį: ","Šalia")
d2 = InputBox("Įveskite kraštinės, esančios priešais kampo, ilgį: ","Priešais")
Print "„Alfa“ kampas lygus"; (atn (d2/d1) * 180 / Pi); " laipsnių"
End Sub