Writer의 μŠ€νƒ€μΌ

The following information concerns Writer styles that you can apply using the Styles deck of the Sidebar.

If you want, you can edit the styles of the current document, and then save the document as a template. To save the document as template, choose File - Templates - Save as Template.

μŠ€νƒ€μΌ λ²”μ£Ό

These are the different categories of formatting styles.



문자 μœ ν˜•

문자 μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ μ‚¬μš©ν•˜μ—¬ 단일 문자 λ˜λŠ” 전체 단어와 ꡬ의 μ„œμ‹μ„ μ„€μ •ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€. ν•„μš”ν•˜λ©΄ 문자 μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ 쀑첩할 수 μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.

단락 μœ ν˜•

단락 μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ μ‚¬μš©ν•˜μ—¬ κΈ€κΌ΄ μœ ν˜•κ³Ό 크기λ₯Ό λΉ„λ‘―ν•œ 단락 μ„œμ‹μ„ μ„€μ •ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€. 단락 μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ μ„ νƒν•˜μ—¬ λ‹€μŒ 단락에 μ μš©ν•  μˆ˜λ„ μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.

ν”„λ ˆμž„ μœ ν˜•

ν”„λ ˆμž„ μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ μ‚¬μš©ν•˜μ—¬ ν…μŠ€νŠΈ 및 κ·Έλ¦Ό ν”„λ ˆμž„μ˜ μ„œμ‹μ„ μ„€μ •ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

νŽ˜μ΄μ§€ μŠ€νƒ€μΌ

νŽ˜μ΄μ§€ μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ μ‚¬μš©ν•˜μ—¬ λ¬Έμ„œμ˜ ꡬ쑰λ₯Ό κ΅¬μ„±ν•˜κ±°λ‚˜ νŽ˜μ΄μ§€ 번호λ₯Ό μΆ”κ°€ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€. νŽ˜μ΄μ§€ μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ μ§€μ •ν•˜μ—¬ νŽ˜μ΄μ§€ λ‚˜λˆ„κΈ° 뒀에 μ˜€λŠ” 첫 번째 νŽ˜μ΄μ§€μ— μ μš©ν•  μˆ˜λ„ μžˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.

μŠ€νƒ€μΌ λͺ©λ‘

Use List Styles to format ordered or unordered lists.

μŠ€νƒ€μΌ κ·Έλ£Ή

These are the style groups that you can display in the Styles window.




ν˜„μž¬ μ½˜ν…μŠ€νŠΈμ— λ§žλŠ” μœ ν˜• ν‘œμ‹œ.

λͺ¨λ“  μœ ν˜•

ν˜„μž¬ μœ ν˜• νƒ€μž…μ˜ λͺ¨λ“  μœ ν˜•μ„ ν‘œμ‹œν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

μ‚¬μš©λœ μœ ν˜•

ν˜„μž¬ λ¬Έμ„œμ— 적용된, μ„ νƒν•œ λ²”μ£Όμ˜ μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ ν‘œμ‹œν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

μ‚¬μš©μž μ •μ˜ μœ ν˜•

μ‚¬μš©μžμ— μ˜ν•΄ μ •μ˜λœ ν˜„μž¬ μœ ν˜• νƒ€μž…μ˜ μœ ν˜•μ„ ν‘œμ‹œν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

문자 μœ ν˜•

ν…μŠ€νŠΈμ˜ μ„œμ‹ μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ ν‘œμ‹œν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

Document Structure

Displays formatting styles for structuring documents.

μŠ€νƒ€μΌ λͺ©λ‘

Displays formatting styles for ordered or unordered lists.

색인 μŠ€νƒ€μΌ

μƒ‰μΈμ˜ μ„œμ‹ μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ ν‘œμ‹œν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

Special Styles

머리글, λ°”λ‹₯κΈ€, 각주, λ―Έμ£Ό, ν‘œ 및 μΊ‘μ…˜μ˜ μ„œμ‹ μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ ν‘œμ‹œν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

HTML-μœ ν˜•

HTML-λ¬Έμ„œμ˜ μœ ν˜•μ„ ν‘œμ‹œν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

쑰건뢀 μŠ€νƒ€μΌ

μ‚¬μš©μž μ •μ˜ 쑰건뢀 μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ ν‘œμ‹œν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.


계측 λͺ©λ‘μ—μ„œ μ„ νƒν•œ μ˜μ—­μ˜ μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ ν‘œμ‹œν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€. ν•˜μœ„ μˆ˜μ€€μ˜ μŠ€νƒ€μΌμ„ 보렀면 ν•˜μœ„ μˆ˜μ€€ 이름 μ˜†μ˜ λ”ν•˜κΈ° 기호(+)λ₯Ό ν΄λ¦­ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

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