Changing the Background Fill

To use a color, gradient, or hatching pattern for the background

  1. Choose , and then click on the Background tab.

  2. 채우기 영역에서 다음 중 하나를 실행합니다.

    Select Color, and then click a color in the list.

    Select Gradient, and then click a gradient style in the list.

    Select Hatching, and then click a hatching style in the list.

  3. Click OK.

To use an image for the background

You can display an entire image as a background, or you can tile the image to produce a patterned background.

  1. Choose , and then click on the Background tab.

  2. In the Fill area, select Image, and then click an image in the list.


    To use a custom image for the background, click the Import button. Locate the image and click Open. On returning to the Background tab, the imported image is in the Image list.

  3. 다음 중 하나를 수행합니다.

    전체 이미지를 배경으로 표시하려면 위치 영역에서 바둑판식 확인란을 선택 해제한 다음 맞춤을 선택합니다.

    배경에 이미지를 바둑판식으로 배치하려면, 바둑판식을 선택하고 이미지의 크기, 위치, 및 이동 옵션을 설정합니다.

  4. Click OK.

This modification is only valid for the current presentation or drawing document.

To save a new master as a template

  1. .

  2. .

  3. Choose View - Normal to close the master view.

  4. Choose File - Templates - Save As Template to save the document as a template.

  5. Enter a name for the template. Do not change the category from "My Templates". Click OK.

Now you can use the Templates window to open a new presentation or drawing based on your new template.

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