
Select a gradient, modify the properties of a gradient, or save a new gradient.

이 명령을 사용하려면...

Choose Format - Area - Gradients tab.


Lists the available gradients. You can also modify or create your own gradients.


현재 목록에 사용자 정의 그라디언트를 추가합니다. 그라디언트의 속성을 지정한 다음 이 버튼을 클릭합니다.


선택한 그라디언트에 현재 그라디언트 속성을 적용합니다. 원할 경우 그라디언트를 다른 이름으로 저장할 수 있습니다.


To rename a gradient, select the gradient, right-click and choose Rename. To delete a gradient, select the gradient, right-click and choose Delete.


Use the options to define or modify a gradient.


적용할 그라디언트를 선택합니다.

중앙 X

Enter the horizontal offset for the gradient, where 0% corresponds to the current horizontal location of the endpoint color in the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.

중앙 Y

Enter the vertical offset for the gradient, where 0% corresponds to the current vertical location of the endpoint color in the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.


선택한 그라디언트의 회전 각도를 입력합니다.

Transition start

Enter the amount by which you want to adjust the area of the endpoint color on the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To Color box.

From Color

그라디언트의 시작점 색상을 선택합니다.

Enter the intensity for the color in the From Color box, where 0% corresponds to black, and 100 % to the selected color.

To Color

그라디언트의 끝점 색상을 선택합니다.

Enter the intensity for the color in the To Color box, where 0% corresponds to black, and 100 % to the selected color.


선택한 요소를 삭제할 것인지 확인한 다음 삭제합니다.


Displays a preview of the current selection.

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