Frame and Object
Opens a submenu to link and unlink frames, and edit properties of a selected frame.
βααα»αβαααααΆαα α α’αααααβα αΌαβαααβαααααβαααααααα·βααΈβααα»αβαα½αβαα
βαα½αβαααΒ α
αααααβαααβαααΆαβααα»αβααΈαΒ α α’αααβα’αΆα
βαααααβααβααα αααβααΆαβαααααΉαβααΈβααα»αβαααβααΆαβααααΎα αα
Β α
Opens a dialog where you can modify the properties of the selected object, for example, its size and name.