LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Automatically formats a document or a selection according to the options set in the AutoCorrect Options tab.
To select options, choose Options tab, then select options in the [M] column to be applied when the Apply command is chosen.
, click theααΎααααΈβαααααΎαβαααααΈβαααβααΆαβα ααα»α ααΆα αα βαααααΆ (-) ααααΆα (*) α¬βαααααΆβααΌα (+) ααααβαααβααααααΆ α¬βαααβαα βααΎαβαααΆααααΒ α
ααΎααααΈβαααααΎαβαααααΈβαααβααΆαβαααααα ααΆαβαααβαα½α βαααααΆ (.) ααααβαααβααααααΆ α¬βαααβαα βααΎαβαααΆααααΒ α
Automatic numbering is only applied to paragraphs formatted with the βDefault Paragraph Styleβ, βBody Textβ, or βBody Text, Indentedβ paragraph styles.