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Assigns effects to selected objects.
αααααΈβα αααΆβαααα αΆαβα αααΆβααΆααα’αα αααααΆααβααααΆαβαα αα α»ααααααΒ α
ααααΆαβααΈαα½ααβααΆαβα αααΆβααβαα½α αααβαααβαα βαααβααααΆαβααααΌαβααΆαβαααα αΆααΒ α
α αααΆβα αααΎαβαααβα’αΆα βααΉαβαααα αΆα αααβααΉαβαααβαα βαααβαααα αΆαβααΆαβαα½αΒ α ααΎβααΆαβααΆαβαααβααΆαβα αααΆβααΆβαα½α αα½αααΆβααααΌαβααΆαβααΆαβαααα»αβαααααβαααααΆαβααΆαβαααααβααβαααααΈβα αααΆΒ α αααβααΉαβαααα αΆαβαααααβααβααΆαβααΈαα½αα αααβαααβα αααΆβαα½αΒ α
Each list entry consists of the following two rows:
The first row of the entry shows a mouse icon if the animation is started by a mouse click, and a clock if the animation starts after the previous animation ends. The name of the shape for the animation effect or the first characters of the animated text.
In the second row an icon shows the animation effect, followed by the category and the name of the effect.
Adds another animation effect for the selected object on the slide.
ααβααααααβα αααΆβαααβααΆαβααααΎα α ααβααΈβαααααΈβα αααΆΒ α
α α»α βαααΌαα»αβαα½αβαααα»αβα ααααβαααΌαα»αβααΆααα’αα ααΎααααΈβααααΆααααΈβααααααβα αααΆβαααβααΆαβααααΎα α‘αΎαβααΎ α¬βα α»ααααααβαααα»αβαααααΈΒ α
Select an animation effect category. The following categories are available:
Select an animation effect.
Displays when the selected animation effect should be started. The following start options are available:
αααβα α»α - α αααΆβααΉαβααααααβααααΉαβααααααβααα ααΆααααβα α»α βααααα»αΒ α
ααΆαα½αβααΈαα»α - α αααΆβααΉαβαααβααααΆαβαΒ α
αααααΆααβααΈαα»α - α αααΆβααΉαβαααβααααΆα αααααΆααβααΈβαααα ααβα αααΆβαα»αΒ α
ααααΎαβααααααααααααα·βααααααβααβα αααΆΒ α α α»α βαααΌαα»α ... ααΎααααΈβααΎαβαααα’αα αααααΎαβαααααα αααβα’αααβα’αΆα βααααΎα αα·α α’αα»ααααβααααααααααααα·Β α
Specifies the duration of the selected animation effect.
The animation starts delayed by this amount of time.
ααααΎαβααΎααααΈβααΎαβααΆβαα»αβααΌαβααααααβααααΈ α¬βααααααβαααβααΆαβααααααα½αβααΎβααααΆα αααβαααβα’αααβαααααβαααααβαα½αααΆΒ α
αααβααααααβα αααΆβαααβααΆαβααααΎα αααα»αβααΆαβααΎαβααΆβαα»αΒ α