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αααααβααΆαβαααααβααΌαα αααααΆααβα―αααΆαβααααα βαααααΈΒ α
αααααβα―αααΆβαααααΆααβαα βαααα»αβααααα βαααααΈα
αααααβα ααααΆαβαααβαααα
αααααβαα·αβααααααααααα·α βαα βαααα»αβααααα βαααααΈβαααβααΉαβααααΌαβααααΆααααΈβαααααΆααααΈβα’αααβα α»α βααααΆααα α»α βαααα αΌα (Enter) α
Determines the behavior of the Enter key in a spreadsheet. Checking this option causes Enter to open cell contents for editing.
Uncheck this option to make the Enter key select the cell below the current cell.
If a range of cells is selected, each time Enter is pressed it will select the next cell inside the range, according to the direction selected in Press Enter to move selection. Hence, enabling both options is useful when entering values into a range of cells sequentially.
Specifies whether to automatically apply the formatting attributes of the selected cell to the empty adjacent cells. If, for example, the contents of the selected cell have the bold attribute, this bold attribute will also apply to adjacent cells. Cells that already have a special format will not be modified by this function. You can see the range in question by pressing the + * (multiplication sign on the number pad) shortcut. This format also applies to all new values inserted within this range. The normal default settings apply to cells outside this range.
αααααΆααβααΆβααΎβααααΌαβαααααΈαβααα ααααΈβαααβαααβα¬αα αααβαααα αΌαβαα½ααα α¬βαα½ααααβααΆααααααΆβαα ααΆααβαα½αβααα ααααΈβαααα ααΆβα’αΆα βααααΎβαα βααΆα ααααα·αααΎβαα½αβααα ααααΈβααα ααααααβαααβααΆαβαααα αΌαβαα½ααα α¬βαα½αααα ααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΈαβααΈβααΎαβαααΆααα·α βααΈαβαααα‘αΆβαα βαααα»αβαα·αβαααβα ααβααΆαα
α§ααΆα ααα α ααΎβαα½α A1:B1 ααααΌαβααΆαβαααβαααα»αβααΌαααααβαα½α α αΎαβα’αααβαααα αΌαβαα½αβααβααααΈβαα½αβαααααΆααβααΈβαα½αβαα B ααα ααααΈβαααβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΈαβαα βααΆ A1:C1Β α ααΎβαα½α A1:B1 ααααΌαβααΆαβααα α αΎαβαα½αβαααβααααΈβαα½αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααα αΌαβααΈβαααααβαα½αβααα 1 ααα ααααΈββαααβαα·αβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΈαβαα αααβααΆαβααβααΆαβαααα‘αΆβααβαα½αβααα»αααααβαααα»αβαα·αβαααααΒ α
ααΎβα’αααβαααα αΌαβαα½αβααα α¬ αα½αβααβαααα»αβαααααβαααααΆαβααβαααααβααα αααααα ααααΈββαααβαααααβααααΌαβααΆαβαααααΈαΒ α
αααααΆααβααΆβααΎβααααΌαβααααα βααααΆαβαα½αααα α¬βαα½αααβαααβα¬αα αα βαααα»αβαα½αααα α¬βαα½αααβαααβααΆαβααααΎαα
αααααΆααβααΆβααΎβααααΌαβαααα αΆαβααΆαβαααααΆαβαααβα¬αα αααβα’αααβαα·αααααΆααβαααα‘αΆβααΈβααααΆαβααααααβααααΆααβαα βαα½αβαααα‘αΆβαααβαα·αβαααααα
With the option set, expanding a selection (with Shift+Down/Up) jumps to the end of the range in the column that was added as last to the initial selection. When the option is not set, expanding a selection (with +Shift +Down/Up) jumps to the end of the range in the column where selecting the cell range was started. The same of course applies when extending a selection on rows, with + Shift+Left/Right. +