LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Contains spelling tools, redact options, mail merge wizard, macros, development tools, extension manager, as well as tools for configuring and customizing menus, and setting program preferences.
The Tools menu contains commands to check spelling, to trace sheet references, to find mistakes and to define scenarios, as well as tools for configuring menus, and setting program preferences.
Contains spelling tools, media player, color replacer, presentation minimizer and tools for configuring menus, and setting program preferences.
This menu provides tools for LibreOffice Draw as well as access to language and system settings.
Checks the document or the current selection for spelling errors. If a grammar checking extension is installed, the dialog also checks for grammar errors.
ααΎαβαααα’ααβ ααΎααααΈβαααα½αβααΆαααβαα αα α»ααααααββαααβααα·αβαααβ α¬βααΆαααβαααβααΆααβααβααααΆβΒ α
ααΎαβαααΊαα»αβααβααα‘βα’αααβα’αΆα βααααΎαβααΆαααβαααααΆβαααααΆααβααΆααΆΒ α
Redacting documents blocks out words or portions of a document for authorized use or viewing.
Use automatic redaction to define words and patterns that are automatically marked for redaction.
Allows you to attach URLs to specific areas, called hotspots, on a graphic or a group of graphics. An image map is a group of one or more hotspots.
Counts the words and characters, with or without spaces, in the current selection and in the whole document. The count is kept up to date as you type or change the selection.
Review common accessibility problems in the document, and support for PDF/UA specifications in the PDF export dialog.
ααααΎβαααααβααααΆαβα―αααΆαβαααβαααααβαααααααα·βαααβαα βααΆαβαααααΎαβαααβα’αααβαααααβααααααααααΎαββ α§αααααβ - ααβαααααβαααααααα·β α
αααααΎα ααβααααα½α α¬βαααα αΌαβα’αααααβαααααβαααααααα·βΒ α α’αααβα’αΆα βαα»αβα’αααααβααΆαβαααααααααΆα α’αααααβαααβααΆαβααααΆα ααα·α ααΆααΆα αα·α ααΆαβααΆβα’αααααβαααααβαααααααα·βΒ α ααΎααααΈβαααα αΌαβα’αααααβαααααβαααααααα·ββαα αα ααΆαβααααΌαβααΆααβαααααΆααβα’αααααβαααααβαααααααα·β αααα»αβα―αααΆαβααααβα’ααα α αΎαβαααααΆααβααβα α»α F3Β α
Specify the numbering format used for automatic numbering of headings in the current document.
αααααΆααβααΆαβαααααβαααα αΆαβαααααΆααβαααααα αα·αβααααααβα α»αΒ α
Starts the Mail Merge Wizard to create form letters or send email messages to many recipients.
Insert, delete, edit, and organize records in the bibliography database.
ααβααααα½αβααΆαβαααααβα²ααβααΆαββ αα·α αααααβαα·ααααααβαααααΆααβααααα βα’αΆαααβααααΆαααααα’αααββ α
ααααΎβα²ααβααΆαα»ββαααα»αβα―αααΆαβαααβααΆαβααΆαα·ααΆβααΆαααααβααΆαααααα ααΌα ααΆβααΆα αα·α αα·αα·ααααΒ α
ααααΆβααΌαααααβαααβααΆαβααααΎα α αΎαβα ααααβααααααβαα βααααΆαβααααααβααααΆααΒ α
ααααααβαααΆαααα α¬βαα½ααααβααΆααΆαβαααβααΆαβααααΎα ααΆαβααααΆααβα’αααααααα α¬βααΆαβααααΆααβααα α α’αααβα’αΆα βαααααβαα αΌααααβααΆααααααααΉαβααααααβααΈ ααααααΆααβααααβααΆααααααααΉαβααααααβα’ααααααααβααα ααΆαα½αβααΉαβαααβααΆαβααβααα α
αααααβαααααΎαβαααααΆααβα’αααααβαααα½αβαααβαααααβαααααααα·βααΌα βαααβα’αααβααΆαβααΆα α
αα·α αα·αβααΎαβαα»αααΆαβ αααα αΌαβαααααβαααααααα· αααβαααααβααΆαβαααα αΌαβαααβαααααβαααααααα· α’αΆαααααβααΎβααΆαβαααα αΌαβαααααα αααα»αβαα½αβααβααΌα βααααΆΒ α αα½αααβααααΌαβααΆααα·ααΆαββαα αΌαβαα βαααβααααα·αβα’αα·ααααΆ α’α α α αααα‘αΆβ α¬βααααβα’ααααβαα»αβααααΆ α’α α Β α
ααΎαβαααα’ααβαα½αβαααβα’αααβα’αΆα βαααααααΆαβαααΈααΆαβαα½αββαααβααΆαβα’αααβαα½αΒ α\ αααααβααΈβαααααααβααΆαβαααααα βαααα’ααβαα½αβαααβααΆαβααααααβααΉαβααΎα αααβα’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβα’αααβα’αα»ααααβαααααα αα·αβαααααβααααα βαααβααααΆααβαα βαααα»αβαααα‘αΆΒ α
Opens the Solver dialog. A solver allows you to solve mathematical problems with multiple unknown variables and a set of constraints on the variables by goal-seeking methods.
ααΆαααβαααααΆβαααβααααΎβα²αα "α’αααβα’αααααβααααα βαααααΈ" αααααΒ α ααΆαα½αβα’αααβα’ααααα α’αααβα’αΆα βααΆαβααΆαβα’αα·ααααααΆαβααΈβαααα‘αΆβααΌαααααβαα αα α»ααααααβαα βαααα‘αΆβαααα»αβααααα βαααααΈΒ α
Contains commands for activate form design mode, enable/disable control wizards and insert form controls in your document.
Opens the Share Document dialog where you can enable or disable collaborative sharing of the document.
Sharing a spreadsheet allows several users to open the same file for editing at the same time.
Protects the sheet structure of your document from modifications. It is impossible to insert, delete, rename, move or copy sheets.
Opens the Presentation Minimizer dialog to reduce the file size of the current presentation.
Opens the Color Replacer dialog, where you can replace colors in bitmap and meta file graphics.
ααΎαβαααα’α½α αααααα·ααΈβα αΆααβαααα αααβα’αααβα’αΆα βααΎαβααΆαβαααα αα·αβα―αααΆαβααααααβααΆβαα»αβααΆα ααααβααΆααβαααα αΌαβα―αααΆαβααΆααβαααβαα βαααα»αβα―αααΆαβαα αα α»αααααα α
Contains commands for activate form design mode, enable/disable control wizards and insert form controls in your document.
Opens the Color Replacer dialog, where you can replace colors in bitmap and meta file graphics.
ααΎαβαααα’α½α αααααα·ααΈβα αΆααβαααα αααβα’αααβα’αΆα βααΎαβααΆαβαααα αα·αβα―αααΆαβααααααβααΆβαα»αβααΆα ααααβααΆααβαααα αΌαβα―αααΆαβααΆααβαααβαα βαααα»αβα―αααΆαβαα αα α»αααααα α
Contains commands for activate form design mode, enable/disable control wizards and insert form controls in your document.
α’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβα’αααβααβ α¬βαααβα αββ αα·α ααβααααα½αβαααΆααααΌ α
Inspects objects in LibreOffice documents and shows supported UNO services, as well as available methods, properties and implemented interfaces.
Opens the XML Filter Settings dialog, where you can create, edit, delete, and test filters to import and to export XML files.
The Extension Manager adds, removes, disables, enables, and updates LibreOffice extensions.
Customizes LibreOffice menus, context menus, shortcut keys, toolbars, and macro assignments to events.
ααΆαααβαααααΆβαααβααΎαβαααα’ααβαα½α αααααΆααβααΆαβαααααβαα ααΆβααααααααβαααααα·ααΈβαααβααΆαβααααΌαβααΆαβααααΒ α