LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Specifies the display options for snap guides.
Choose View - Snap Guides (Impress or Draw).
Displays or hides snap guides that you can use to align objects on a page.
Displays the snap guides in front of the objects on the pageslidepage.
αααααΆααβααΆβααΎβααααΌαβααααΆααααΈβααα»α ααΆαα»βααααΌα ααααα»βαααααΆβααβαα βα αααααβαααΆαβα ααα»α βαααα‘αΆα ααααααβααα»αααααβα¬βαααΆαααΆα ααΎααααΈβααααΌαβααααΆαααΆαβααααΆαααΆαβαααα‘αΆα ααααααβαααβαααααΆααβαααααααΆαβαα αα α»αααααα ααΌαβα’αΌαβααααα»βαααβααααααβααααΆααα α»α Control keyCtrl keyα²ααβααΆααα
Snap to Grid
Snaps the edge of a dragged object to the nearest snap guide when you release the mouse.
Snap to Snap Guides
Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the border of the nearest graphic object.
ααααΆααββαα ββααα»αββααααα»
Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the points of the nearest graphic object.
ααααΆααββαα ββα ααα»α ββααααα»
Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the nearest page margin.
ααααΆααβββαα ββααΉαββααααα
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